225 examples of idlers in sentences

Women are forced to use body and mind, they are not, cannot be idlers.

Could the nation Carry this vast mass of incompetents and idlers on its back then; and can it reasonably be expected to do so now?

If the nations are staggering along now under the enormous load of idlers and parasites living on interest, how will it be then?

There is over-population certainly, but it is an over-population (as any one may see who walks through the West End of London or the corresponding quarters of any of our large towns) of idlers and futile people, who are a burden to the nation.

A good many people were already assembled on the squareall the idlers of the district, bands of children, and peasants of the surrounding country, eager to see the sights; and into the midst of this crowd fell the Fromentsfirst the bicyclists, next the wagon, and then the others who had been met at the entry of the village.

If the idlers would work, nobody would be overworked.

Joyce, who was a man of method, and was accustomed to telling off troops, counted no less than forty-nine of these idlers, most of whom were lounging near the log entrenchment, though a few were sauntering about the clearing, conversing with the wood-choppers, or making their observations listlessly, and seemingly without any precise object in view.

A quarter of a mile nearer to the flats might have brought them within the range of stragglers; but, following the summit of the ridge, there was a certain security in the indolence which would be apt to prevent mere idlers from sauntering up an ascent.

"Possibly the mill has been set in motion by some of your idlers, and you have heard the large saw, which, at a distance, may sound like a smaller one near by.

And as they went, two or three men also separated themselves from the idlers around the tables and strolled quietly and casually in the same direction.

That man, too, saw the apparent idlers closing in upon him.

I have nothing more, said Ridoux, I have nothing more; go and work, you set of idlers.

So they walked back through the Park, and it was fullfull to overflowing; nevertheless, amongst all the riders, drivers, sitters, strollers, and idlers, there appeared neither of the smart-looking gentlemen who had roused Nina's indignation by bowing to her in the morning without having the honour of her acquaintance.

Passing down a passage and elbowing our way through the throng of idlers, we made for the solicitor's box, where we had barely taken our seats when the case was called.

Nobody knew their calibre; the policemen who watched them could not say; the idlers who gathered about them disputed upon it: they were eighteen pounders; they were twenty-fours; they were thirty-sixes.

The policeman could not explain; neither could the idlers; neither can I. At last it got reported about the city that they were to sink any boats which might come down the river to reinforce Anderson; though how the boats were to get into the river, whether by railroad from Washington, or by balloon from the Free States, nobody even pretended to guess.

No longer we stood listlessly in the quadrangle, joining the knots of idlers, of whom we used to be one of the chief; no longer had even Castles' Havannahs any charms for our lips; and our whole heart was wrapt up in the expectation of a letter.

There, already awaited him the elders of the village, and a crowd of curious idlers.

A dozen idlers stood about the door.

but the idlers, artists, poets, and other lazzaroni, are the only people that enjoy life.

"So go to work; but don't forget to walk out of town now and then; in which case, I hope you won't disdain the company of one of the idlers.


To give the idlers time to disperse, as well as to remove the stains of the road, he entered the house, and, having bespoken dinner and the best rooms, inquired the way to Mr. Fishwick the attorney's.

But it was discovered that these acclamations were the doing of persons posted about by the Leaguers, and that, for doing it, money had been given to idlers and sweetmeats to children."

Vagabonds, early statutes against; and Idlers; punishment of rogues and sturdy beggars; severe statutes against under Elizabeth.

225 examples of  idlers  in sentences