235 examples of if anyone in sentences

He would have warning enough if anyone turned the key now.

She applauded the action of her young friend in engaging such a famous detective as Crewe, and declared that if anyone could unravel the mystery, Crewe would do it.

" "First of all, then, my friend," he continued, "this earth, if anyone should survey it from above, is said to have the appearance of balls covered with twelve different pieces of leather, variegated and distinguished with colors, of which the colors found here, and which painters use, are as it were copies.

And if anyone undervalues the sciences which teach us concerning stones and plants and animals, or thinks that nothing can be learnt from them concerning Godallow one who has been from childhood only a humble, though he trusts a diligent student of these sciencesallow him, I say, to ask in all reverence, but in all frankness, who it was who said, "Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow."

But I'm sure our pachyderm is up to it, if anyone is.

"He asked the postmaster if anyone had found a big sum of money, and of course Mr. Rockslow as he always isdidn't think about the advertisement in the Banner.

If anyone should ever write a treatise on the art of murdernot an exhibition of literary fireworks like De Quincey's, but a genuine working treatisehe might leave all other technical details to take care of themselves if he could describe some really practicable plan for disposing of the body.

" "That's the idea and if anyone starts the anvil chorus they get the skiddo.

"The guard marched up and down the platform looking into all the carriages to see if anyone had left a halfpenny evening paper behind for him, and opening the door of one of the first-class compartments, he noticed a lady sitting in the further corner, with her head turned away towards the window, evidently oblivious of the fact that on this line Aldgate is the terminal station.

If anyone had asked me at the time if I were an accomplice of Ravachol, I would have answered, 'Probably.'

Jefferson once remarked: "If anyone believes that free government and an ignorant people can exist at one and the same time, he believes that which never was or never can be."

"I would like to know," the old one said in a low tone, "if anyone can explain why one feels such a longing up here on Alvaret.

"What if anyone pounces on us?" asked Peggy in rather a scared tone.

If anyone heard us.... Be easy.

"I'm downright glad we've got to do the backache portage to-day, because, as we can't be in two places at once, I shan't be found at the store if anyone comes to see me special," he said, winking up at a bluebird which sat on a bough above his head.

The same complaint as the other place in St. Yvon: "We mustn't look as if anyone lives in the farm."

If anyone doubts the extent to which the jewellery trade is carried on, and the number of hands engaged in it, let him station himself somewhere Hockley way at the hour of one o'clock in the day, and he will see for himself.

But I can't be answerable for the consequences if anyone sets to work to bait Robin persistently.

In the first instance he was penitent immediately after the outrage, but in the second he added insult to injury by going across the room and asking in an offensively suspicious manner if anyone had seen his bun.

You may add, if you please, that if anyone has her confidence, you believe you have, and she has made no drivelling confessions to you on that subject."

1908 ILLUSTRATED BY ALONZO KIMBALL [Illustration: "If anyone alive," he cried, "knows any cause why this thing should not be."

If anyone asks whether it is in my nature to pay Him devout reverence, I say'Surely, yes!'

Whoever has the good fortune of winning her, has a right to receive her as I confide her to you; but if anyone of you should dare to offend her in the slightest degree, even by a look or a smile, remember this and take example from it," continued the Decurio, pointing with his sword to the headless body of the young man.

If anyone had asked him, what was the pleasure of Providence, he would probably have answered, that it was plainly shown in the Scriptures, and required not the aid of the expositions of divines who were "too curious, or too narrow, in reducing orthodoxy within the compass of subtleties, niceties, and distinctions."

If anyone wishing to collect iron should march with a troop of determined men through Italy or Spain, what iron articles would they find in the houses?

235 examples of  if anyone  in sentences