97 examples of ignis in sentences

There was a short postscript, in the following words, the letter having been directed to his father:"Tell dearest Maud," he said, "that charming women have ceased to charm me; glory occupying so much of my day-dreams, like an ignis fatuus, I fear; and that as for love, all my affections are centred in the dear objects at the Hutted Knoll.

Domus, et habitacula rotundae sunt formae, compositae et contextae paruis lignis, et flexilibus virgulis, ad modum cauearum quas nos facimus pro auiculis, habentes rotundam in culmine aperturam praestantem duo beneficia habitationi, quoniam et ignis quem in medio domus constituunt, fumum emittit, et pro aspiciendo lumen immittit.

Insuper et peccatorem necesse erit pertransire ignem, semel, bis, dut ter iuxta iudicium Flaminis, quatenus per ignis acrimoniam purgetur à tanti inquinatione peccati.

Fratres autem ducti fuerunt ad plateam ciuitatis, vbi accensus est ignis copiosus, in quen frater Thomas voluit se proijcere, sed quidam Saracenus cepit eam per caputium et retraxit dicens; Non vadus tu cum sis senex, quia carmen aliquod vel experimentum habere posses super te, quare te ignis non posset laedere, sed alium ire in ignem permittas.

the room full of snakes, adders, dark, light, green, red, of all colours, as you may perceive in Baptista Porta, Alexis, Albertus, and others, glow-worms, fire-drakes, meteors, Ignis fatuus, which Plinius, lib. 2. cap.

For as Sennertus contends out of Crato, there is seminarius ignis in this humour, the very seeds of fire.

Plato for this reason forbids music and wine to all young men, because they are most part amorous, ne ignis addatur igni, lest one fire increase another.

As Hippocrates said in physic, I may well say in divinity, Quae ferro non curantur, ignis curat.

fatuos: fuegos , ignis fatuus; will-o'-the-wisp. fauces, f. pl., jaws.

fuego, m., fire; poner , to set fire (to); s fatuos, ignis fatuus; will-o'-the-wisp. fuelles, m. pl., bellows (of an organ); para darle á los , to pump the bellows. fuente, f., fountain, source. fuer, á de, as, like, being, by dint of being, since you are (or were).

And we will worship thee, a god divine: The ignis fatuus of all our skies That grandly leads us, vanishes and dies, And we are left to grope in darkness here, Without a ray of light our lives to cheer.

Ardentis ab ore Scintillæ absistunt: oculis micat acribus ignis.

Then will your mind be so well braced, In Spanish boots so tightly laced, That on 'twill circumspectly creep, Thought's beaten track securely keep, Nor will it, ignis-fatuus like, Into the path of error strike.

An Ignis Fatuus I must call instead.

IGNIS FATUUS Through reverence, I hope I may subdue The lightness of my nature; true, Our course is but a zigzag one.

IGNIS FATUUS That you are master here is obvious quite; To do your will, I'll cordially essay; Only reflect!


SCEPTIC The ignis fatuus they track out, And think they're near the treasure.

She could, without suffering from her exertion, continue the pleasure till she had tired out the most active revellers; and even the young Duke of Hochspringen, who was reckoned the most indefatigable at that exercise in Germany, having been her partner for half an hour, was compelled to break off the dance and throw himself, totally exhausted, on a couch, exclaiming he had been dancing not with a woman, but with an ignis fatuus.

Of this odd sort of words, I quote the following examples from Churchill; taking the liberty to insert the hyphen, which he omits: "Ave-Maries, Te-Deums, camera-obscuras, agnus-castuses, habeas-corpuses, scire-faciases, hiccius-docciuses, hocus-pocuses, ignis-fatuuses, chef-d'oeuvres, congé-d'élires, flower-de-luces, louis-d'-ores, tête-à-têtes.

When thou runn'st up Gad's Hill in the night to catch my horse, if I did not think thou hadst been an ignis fatuus, or a ball of wildfire, there's no purchase in money.

'Proximus à tectis ignis defenditur ægre:' Ov. 'Rem. Am.'

To these lines Ovid thus refers in his Elegy on the death of Tibullus: Cynthia discedens, Felicius, inquit, amata Sum tibi; vixisti dum tuus ignis eram.

Lord Chatham was a meteor, and a glorious one; people discovered that he was not a genuine luminary, and yet everybody in mimickry has been an ignis fatuus about him.

Willingly at this moment would he have given up the winter trapping to have pursued that golden ignis fatuus of all agesthe lure of gold.

97 examples of  ignis  in sentences