12 examples of ill-digested in sentences

'The galled jade' winced terribly:he was touchy as tinder, sir:never was Digest so ill-digested.'

Stomachs, however, have their idiosyncrasies, and it sometimes proves an unwelcome and ill-digested article of food.

At thy age all is viewed in colors of gold, or life is rendered bootless, because we are thwarted in our ill-digested wishes.

This seems an ill-digested account of a pagoda, or idol temple, of great extent and magnificence, richly gilt, similar to those of which we have splendid views in the relation of the embassy to Ava, by Colonel Symes.

The event unquestionably led to the propagation of an impious philosophy and all sorts of crude opinions and ill-digested theories, both in government and religion, in the schools, the salons, and the pulpits of France.

unqualified, disqualified; unfitted; ill-digested; unbegun, unready, unarranged^, unorganized, unfurnished, unprovided, unequipped, untrimmed; out of gear, out of order; dismantled &c v.. shiftless, improvident, unthrifty, thriftless, thoughtless, unguarded; happy-go- lucky; caught napping &c (inexpectant) 508

The whole manufacture, so far as chemistry is concerned, is yet crude and ill-digested.

The revolutions in the purposes of lovers are sudden and easily effected; and Sigismund, through whose mind a dozen ill-digested plans of placing the sea between himself and

Deeming it ever better to keep good old laws than to try ill-digested and doubtful new ones, I used my influence to repress the spirit of legislating for the sake of legislation, wherever I saw appearances of it.

This may be the fact with those who are immersed in themselves while communing with God, and cannot consent even to pray without placing their own thoughts and language, however ill-digested and crude, uppermost in the business of the moment.

Nay we might have temples for idols, &c. A thousand such absurdities follow from his general notions, and ill-digested schemes.

They possess simply a bundle of incoherent ideas, untested, ill-digested, but a wonderful basis for incessant conversation.

12 examples of  ill-digested  in sentences