15098 examples of illustrates in sentences

One lake in particular now comes to mind which illustrates the floweriness of the sun-touched banks of these icy gems.

These comments may seem tedious to the general reader, but all that illustrates the military designs, or defends the good soldiership of Lee, is worthy of record.

An incident which occurred during the rehearsals for the first production of A Doll's House, at the Novelty Theatre, London, illustrates the difference between the old, and what was then the new, fashion of ending a play.

To the student of religions the interest of the Myth is not that of an infantile attempt to philosophize, but as it illustrates the intimate and immediate relations which the religion in which it grew bore to the individual life.

The point of view which this fact illustrates is neither true nor far-sighted.

He illustrates the position that noble qualities in the artist are indispensable to nobility in the work of art, by a digression on religious painting and sculpture.

Vasari tells an anecdote regarding this meeting which illustrates the mutual bad feeling of the two illustrious artists.

The true creation of a builder-poet's brain, it illustrates Leo Battista Alberti's definition of the charm of architecture, tutta quella musica, that melody and music of a graceful edifice.

While gathering up these scattered fragments of Buonarroti's later life, I may here introduce a letter addressed to Benvenuto Cellini, which illustrates his glad acceptance of all good work in fellow-craftsmen: "My Benvenuto,I have known you all these years as the greatest goldsmith of whom the world ever heard, and now I am to know you for a sculptor of the same quality.

Still it illustrates the nervousness and apprehension under which Michelangelo's acquaintances continually lived.

The latter has told an anecdote which illustrates the old man's eccentricity.

It is high time, however, that we should proceed to the consideration of the work which is our more immediate subject, and which, indeed, illustrates in almost every page our general remarks on Mr. Southey's writings.

The whole arrangement beautifully illustrates that wise and tender regard for the interests of all the parties concerned, which arrays the Mosaic system in robes of glory, and causes it to shine as the sun in the kingdom of our Father.[B]

The following diagram illustrates my method: Referring to this diagram, A and B respectively represent a transmitting and a receiving station of an automatic telegraph.

1 illustrates a typical burrow shown in section.

As some one has said, "He attempts the impossible, yet finds practical ways to accomplish it" The way he met an unexpected demand for money during the building of the church illustrates this: The trustees had, as they thought, made provision for the renewal of a note of $2,000, due Dec. 27th.

Nearly all of them contain several figures, but oneThe Riding Schoolabout twenty boys playing at Soldiers, horse and foot, very pleasantly illustrates an observation in a recent number of the Edinburgh Review, on the dramatic character of the amusements of children.

In punctuation, a child asking what o'clock it is, illustrates a note of interrogation.

The whole ritual of social and political organisation among savages, therefore, illustrates the process of creating artificial and easily recognisable political likenesses.

3 illustrates the air cylinder of the Dubois-Francois type of compressor, which was the best in use about the year 1876.

7 illustrates the theory of Duplex Air Compressors.

" It is significant that these words preceded by only a few months the publication of Sinclair Lewis's "Main Street," which illustrates in a big and popular way the point in question.

With regard to the stories reprinted, "The Last Room of All" illustrates old-world influence, surely, in its recountal of events in an age long past, the time of the Second Emperor Frederick of Swabia.

The following, which was taken from the public records of a white school in Tennessee, illustrates the intellectual condition of a portion of the white citizens of that and the other Southern States.

The ordinary process of learning by experience illustrates somewhat Hegel's meaning.

15098 examples of  illustrates  in sentences