422 examples of imagery in sentences

What was good and productive he was ready to recognize and assimilate; leaving the opium pomps and splendors of the discourse, and all the Oriental imagery with which the speaker decorated his bathos, to those who could find profit therein.

Again he mistakes figurative imagery for explanations.

Happy is the country in which men of reverend years and whitened heads watch, until night draws towards the day, and weariness is forgotten in the desire to do good, and to honor the state!" "Thy mind partaketh of the eastern imagery of the country of thy fathers, good Hosea, and thou art apt to forget that thou art not yet watching on the steps of the Temple.

Ne cares he if the fleece which him arayes Be not twice steeped in Assyrian dye; Ne glistering of golde, which underlayes* The summer beames, doe blinde his gazing eye; 100 Ne pictures beautie, nor the glauncing rayes Of precious stones, whence no good commeth by; Ne yet his cup embost with imagery Of Baetus or of Alcons vanity.

Is it most remarkable for its thought, form, or imagery?

of Bartram's book contains an account of some natural wonders in the Cherokee country that almost certainly afforded part of the imagery of "Kubla Khan."

Small skill in learned names had she, Yet whatso wealth of land or sea Had ever stored her memory, She decked its varied imagery Where, in the highest of the row Upon a sill more white than snow, She nourished a pomegranate-tree.

His odes, with all their exquisite fancy and splendid imagery, have not much interest in their subjects, and no pathos derived from feeling or passion.

When their idea reappeared for its fulfilment phantasy and imagery had temporarily worn themselves out, and the richer language made simplicity possible and adequate for poetry.

They are the first direct expression of an intimate and personal experience in English literature, struck off in the white heat of passion, and though they are coloured at times with that over-fantastic imagery which is at once a characteristic fault and excellence of the writing of the time, they never lose the one merit above all others of lyric poetry, the merit of sincerity.

Secondly because of the profusion of his imagery, and the extraordinarily keen sense for beauty and sweetness that went to its making.

In an age of golden language and gallant imagery his was the most golden and the most gallant.

Other eyes have learned to look upon the mountains, and trace ideal imagery upon their shadowy sides.

It is not for him, whatever be the theme, to convince the judgement with deductions of reason, to fire the imagination with glowing imagery, or win with graceful words the willing ear of taste.

"Description, or Imagery, [is] when any thing is painted in a lively manner, as if done before our eyes.

Donne's imagery, a study in creative sources.

Elizabethan and metaphysical imagery: Renaissance poetic and twentieth-century critics.

All the more joyous emotions of the mind, all the pleasing sensations of the frame, all the happy hours of domestic intercourse, were described under imagery derived from light.

He needs a form that is freer and larger than dialect, but which will still hold the racial flavor; a form expressing the imagery, the idioms, the peculiar turns of thought, and the distinctive humor and pathos, too, of the Negro, but which will also be capable of voicing the deepest and highest emotions and aspirations, and allow of the widest range of subjects and the widest scope of treatment.

Since Temple and Roscommon (says Mr. Oldisworth) 'No man understood Horace better, especially as to his happy diction, rolling numbers, beautiful imagery, and alternate mixture of the soft and sublime.

So powerful was her genius in this way, that her prose hath all the charms of verse without the fetters; the same fire and elevation; the same richness of imagery, bold figures, and flowing diction.

The coarseness of his language, the offensiveness of his imagery, have been greatly exaggerated.

Fancy Shakespeare's impetuous, tumultuous riotous imagery treated by such 'criticism!'

In a corrected version, the sensuousness of our English translation disappears in the ordinary richness of Eastern imagery, and the poem becomes a pure picture of loyal love.

You could neither restrain your courser, nor conceal your imagery, nor express your ideas otherwise than in the language of a scholar.

422 examples of  imagery  in sentences