351 examples of immorality in sentences

It is a striking example of the immorality which prevails both in Germany's business and political life.

Stripped of all verbiage that is Germany's proposal in its naked immorality, and the author chronicles with pleasure that the House of Commons cried down even its discussion.

The charge against her familythe slur which could be thrown on them was not that of dishonor, dishonesty, immorality or intemperancenone of thesebut that they had worked at poorly paid, hard jobs, thereby giving evidence that they were not capable of getting easier ones.

This unwonted interruption of the ceremonies clouded many a brow, for the sensibilities of a Venetian noble were quick, indeed, to reprehend the immorality of political discontent, though the conventional dignity of the class suppressed all other ill-timed exhibition of dissatisfaction.

After the usual proclamation against vice and immorality had been read, and after the grand jury had duly found a true bill, the next thing was to find the prisoner and bring him up for trial.

This gentleman, who was subsequently unrobed for immorality, charged both the ministers of the New Church party and all who listened to them, with the rebellion of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, and uttered language implying a wish that the earth would open its mouth and swallow them up.

A parliamentary candidate (unsuccessful) for Axcester had once dared to poke fun at Endymion Westcote for having asserted, in a public speech, that indecency was worse than immorality.

He even knew how to invest vice and immorality with an air of elegance, and was capable of generous sentiments and actions.

It is neither true that faith alone leads to morality nor that unbelief is the cause of immorality.

The first of these laws threatens immorality with future misery; the second, with legal punishments; the third, with the disapproval of our fellow-men.

And this persuasion, with the kind hand of Providence, or some guardian angel, or accidental favorable circumstances or situations, or all together, preserved me, through this dangerous time of youth, and the hazardous situations I was sometimes in among strangers, remote from the eye and advice of my father, free from any wilful gross immorality or injustice, that might have been expected from my want of religion.

And where is the degree of vice or immorality which shall deprive the citizen of the right to supplicate for a boon, or to pray for mercy!

But do we not commit a trespass against virtue, when we demand the same soft disguises to drape facts whose disguise is the worst immorality, whose naked hideousness is the only decency, which must be seen disgusting to warrant their being seen at all?

But, besides its immorality, Congress has no Constitutional right to create slavery.

It is dangerous for the sovereign power of a State to license immorality; to hold the shield of its protection over anything that is not "legal in a moral view."

I shudder to think that I have been walking upon those white steps and flag ways of ours every day without awakening to a sense of their immorality.

There is less crime, less immorality, more faithfulness to the requirements of the Christian religion and better observance of the Sabbath, more sincerity and earnestness in the performance of every Christian duty, than we can find in the same number of whites anywhere.

A young colored man, who had been a preacher in one of the old churches of the South and had become disgusted with its ignorance, superstition and immorality, presented his credentials and applied for admission into the Congregational Association of the State.

I know one such, of whom an enthusiastic maiden said, in a confidential moment, that he seemed to her exactly like Goethe without any of his horrid immorality.

Shelley was in even worse case, for he was regarded by ordinary people as a monster of irreligion and immorality, the custody of whose children had been denied him by the most respectable of Lord Chancellors, on account of his detestable opinions and the infamy of his mode of life.

Do you think that medicine will ever be able to rid the world of what are called the diseases of immorality as long as immorality remains?

We may even cure the individual; we may see a thousand struck and a thousand guilty escape; the fact remains that these diseases are bred in the swamp of immorality, just as certainly as malaria is bred in the mosquito-haunted pools of the malaria swamp.

Immorality would be at a premium, sir.

that, being no better political moralists than was the Prince-President, their immorality was fruitless, while his, according to their interpretation of his history, gave him empire.

" The question whether Washington was a faithful husband might well be left to the facts already given, were it not that stories of his immorality are bandied about in clubs, a well-known clergyman has vouched for their truth, and a United States senator has given further currency to them by claiming special knowledge on the subject.

351 examples of  immorality  in sentences