Do we say immunity or impunity

immunity 306 occurrences

What claim has Slavery to immunity from discussion?

It was an unaccustomed feeling, after months of comparative immunity from observation behind mountain ridges, to be in flat country again.

It is a curious thing that, while there appears to be no immunity from this frightful scourge for the natives, Europeans enjoy almost entire immunity from the disease.

Great Danes sometimes injure the end of the tail by hitting it against a hard substance, and those with a good carriage of tail are most liable to this because in excitement they slash it about, whereas the faulty position of the tail, curled over the back, insures immunity from harm.

I felt I had a crow of my own to pluck with this gentleman, who owed to my timely intervention a far greater immunity than he deserved.

It is noble to be capable of resigning entirely one's own portion of happiness, or chances of it: but, after all, this self-sacrifice must be for some end; it is not its own end; and if we are told that its end is not happiness, but virtue, which is better than happiness, I ask, would the sacrifice be made if the hero or martyr did not believe that it would earn for others immunity from similar sacrifices?

Soderini sent back an answer to the Pope's brief within a few days, affirming that "Michelangelo the sculptor is so terrified that, notwithstanding the promise of his Holiness, it will be necessary for the Cardinal of Pavia to write a letter signed by his own hand to us, guaranteeing his safety and immunity.

His hebdomadal hand [**Pointing hand symbol] is held up, even on the Sabbath, against every man of virtue and genius in the land; but the great defamer claims to himself an immunity from that disgrace which he knows his own wickedness has incurred,the Cockney calumniator would fain hold his own disgraced head sacred from the iron fingers of retribution.

The first was the immunity for twenty years of preserving the African slave-trade; the second was the stipulation to surrender fugitive slavesan engagement positively prohibited by the laws of God, delivered from Sinai; and thirdly, the exaction, fatal to the principles of popular representation, of a representation for slavesfor articles of merchandise, under the name of persons.

The strength of their turreted walls was more than supplemented by the length of their purses, and such immunity from the encroachments of lords and king as they could not otherwise win, they contrived to buy.

The rich gentry, on the other hand, were able to buy immunity from forced labour.

But the chief cause of their immunity lay in the fact that it was the business of nobody in particular to act against them, while they were more or less made welcome in every undefended port.

With the decadence of buccaneering and the growth of Indian trade, there was a corresponding increase of piracy, and European traders ceased to enjoy immunity.

"Thou would'st be amused to read an article, which has made its appearance in the Houston Telegrapha Texian paperin which the editor says, 'that while we deeply commiserate the situation of our sister republic, in regard to the political scourge of abolitionism, it is pleasing to reflect that our country enjoys a complete immunity from its effects.

But this annex'd condition of the crown, Immunity from errors, you disown; Here then you shrink, and lay your weak pretensions down.

To secure immunity from this they were the more fully reconciled to the limitations of their peculiar labor supply.

The starveling wretch whose defence and plea are poverty and sickness, demands, and must have, in the name of humanity, an immunity from criticism, if not the patronage of the public.

The ideal method of insuring freedom from malaria should be to obtain a permanent immunity, that is, to be able to modify the composition of the infected soil in such a way as to make it sterile as regards malaria, without taking from it the power of furnishing products useful for the social economy.

However, when the local conditions will permit, it is well to try whether, by means of forced cultivation of the soil, it may not be possible to increase the efficacy of the hydraulic method of procuring immunity from malaria, or of the hydraulico-atmospheric method of "overlaying."

The malarial infection is not one of those a first attack of which confers immunity from other attacks.

Many individuals gained thereby a complete immunity, others a partial immunity, that is to say, they were sometimes attacked by the fever, but it never, even in very malarious districts, assumed a pernicious form, and was easily subdued by very moderate doses of quinine.

Many individuals gained thereby a complete immunity, others a partial immunity, that is to say, they were sometimes attacked by the fever, but it never, even in very malarious districts, assumed a pernicious form, and was easily subdued by very moderate doses of quinine.

At the end of the fever season it was found that several employes among the first half had been attacked by fevers of a severe type; while thirty-six of those in the second division had enjoyed a complete immunity, the three others having been attacked, but so lightly that they cured themselves by quinine without seeking medical aid.

She is the price I paid for Dicky's immunity from the scandal which the unjust man that I called husband brought upon me.

In the second place we must keep clearly before us an important fact, the truth of which any chronological account of the development of the principle of immunity would easily demonstrate, namely, that with the advance of time and with the growth of that principle, the changes which took place in the different sorts of immunities were not simply those of degree, but essentially and principally those of kind.

impunity 616 occurrences

Annihilation of the ruling race was felt to be the only chance of safety or impunity; so no one of the ruling race was spared.

"Thou art the gainer of the second prize," said the Prince, "and were rigid justice done, thou should'st receive the first also, since our favor is not to be rejected with impunity.

The current whisper was that the whiskey-smugglers would retaliate against the constables in person whenever there was a chance to do so with impunity.

In finding out what he can eat, we must remember, he will have gone through much experience which will have inspired him with a serious respect for the hidden wrath of nature; like those Himalayan folk, of whom Hooker says, that as they know every poisonous plant, they must have tried them allnot always with impunity.

Impunity had produced the feeling of security, until these gates had got to be rather a subject of amusement, than of any serious discussion.

Whenever he went dodging about the village, he was surrounded by a troop of them hanging on his skirts, clambering on his back, and playing a thousand tricks on him with impunity; and not a dog would bark at him throughout the neighborhood.

Having nothing to do at home, and being arrived at that happy age when a man can be idle with impunity, he took his place once more on the bench at the inn door, and was reverenced as one of the patriarchs of the village, and a chronicle of the old times "before the war."

Alternately abandoned to dissolute pleasures and to womanish superstition, he was so remiss, both in the care of his treasure and the exercise of his government, that his servants pillaged his money with impunity, stole from him his very clothes, and proceeded thence to practise every species of extortion on his defenceless subjects.

It was a custom in London for great numbers, to the amount of a hundred or more, the sons and relations of considerable citizens, to form themselves into a licentious confederacy, to break into rich houses and plunder them, to rob and murder the passengers, and to commit with impunity all sorts of disorder.

'You are deranging my plans, and that is not done with impunity.'

It may be that for the moment they are able, in too many cases, to perpetrate the worst crimes with impunity; but they bring discredit on the Christian name; inspire hatred of the foreigner where no such hatred exists; and, as some recent instances prove, teach occasionally to the natives a lesson of vengeance, which, when once learnt, may not always be applied with discrimination.

Every outrage was shamelessly perpetrated by them with impunity, because they were too powerful to be punished.

But the penalty was to come: law cannot be violated with impunity.

There is none of his senses or parts, which he hath not within covenants for their good behaviour, which they cannot ever break with impunity.

The success of the play, however, was sufficient to show that, in light comedy, at any rate, a secret may with impunity be kept, even to the point of tantalization.

[Footnote 1: The fact that a great poet can ignore such precepts with impunity is proved by the exquisite anticlimax of the third act of D'Annunzio's La Gioconda.]

He thought that, as the number of troops under Caesar's command in the city, and of vessels in the port, was small, he could tease and worry the Romans with impunity, though he had not the courage openly to attack them.

It is demonstrated that these violences can now be perpetrated with impunity, and it can need no argument to prove that unless the murdering of Indians can be restrained by bringing the murderers to condign punishment, all the exertions of the Government to prevent destructive retaliations by the Indians will prove fruitless and all our present agreeable prospects illusory.

They are good-natured and can generally be handled with impunity, but I have known them to bite, whereas Doctor Brazil informed me that it was almost impossible to make the mussurama bite a man.

A mussurama in his possession, which had with impunity killed and eaten several rattlesnakes and representatives of the lachecis genus, also killed and ate a venomous coral-snake, but shortly afterward itself died from the effects of the poison.

Such a strain cannot be borne with impunity, and I never do such a thing except under pressure of absolute necessity.

These, with innumerable other acts of cruelty, injustice, and ingratitude, are every day committed, not only with impunity, but without censure and even without observation; but we may be assured that they cannot finally pass away unnoticed and unretaliated.

If he has got in his head a good map of the country, he may ramble at large with impunity.

we do not gaze with perfect impunity; we turn from the lovely shadow with knees how prone to bend!

But General Paskevitch was not disposed to be spurned with impunity.

Do we say   immunity   or  impunity