436 examples of impassable in sentences

unpierced^, imporous^, caecal [Med.]; closable; imperforate, impervious, impermeable; impenetrable; impassable, unpassable^; invious^; pathless, wayless^; untrodden, untrod. unventilated; air tight, water tight; hermetically sealed; tight, snug.

The left of the army was protected by the wellnigh impassable morass of the White-oak Swamp, and all the approaches from the direction of Richmond were obstructed by the natural difficulties of the ground, which had been rendered still more forbidding by an abattis of felled trees and earthworks of the best description.

Thence they turned to the left, so as to command a more vulnerable place in the city's defences, and finally encamped at Ohod at the base of the hill on a fertile plain, separated from the city to the north by several rocky ridges, impassable for such an army.

The dark, empty corridors at first were an impassable barrier, but while she put on her slippers and her dressing-gown she strengthened her courage.

The rest in disorderly retreat fled first to Cales, and thence to the dictator, by ways almost impassable.

SURROUNDING COUNTRY.Whether generally open and passable for infantry, cavalry, and artillery, or whether broken and impassable, due to fences, woods, crops, ravines, etc. RAILROADS.Single or double track, narrow or broad gauge, tunnels, bridges, cuts, direction, stations, etc. BRIDGES.Material, wood, stone, steel, etc.: length and breadth; number and kind of piers or supports.

Always her perturbed imaginings led back to Frederic, to the terrible fate that lay in store for him, to the awfulness of war that had put between them an impassable gulf of blood and guilt and treachery that, in spite of their love for each other, kept them at cross purposes and made them enemies.

Men and cattle are separated from each other by the Creator, immutably, eternally, and by an impassable gulf.

Can they who say the Host should be descried By sense, define a body glorified? Impassable, and penetrating parts? Let them declare by what mysterious arts He shot that body through the opposing might Of bolts and bars impervious to the light, And stood before his train confess'd in open sight.

"My uncle, have you not, then, succeeded in bringing this young man to the bosom of the True Church?" "Child, the way is hedged up, and made almost impassable by difficulties you little wot of.

The roads were so blocked by it that they would have been rendered impassable but for the sturdy efforts of the farmers' boys, who drove teams of four and five yokes of oxen through the drifts with heavily laden sleds, breaking out the ways.

At two of the places where the débris had made a rough footing, half an hour's work would remove the material, and leave these spots as impassable as the others.

She marched her forces over the mountains of that almost impassable country and reached the sea at Durazzo.

And he would endeavour to let all and sundry see the immeasurable distance and impassable gulf that lay between a Sahib and a niggerof any degree whatsoever.

Gidley Island is separated from Legendre Island by a very shoal and rocky strait, apparently impassable for anything larger than boats.

Off the north end of Bernier Island is the small islet called KOK'S. The channel between Bernier and Dorre is about a mile and a half wide, but is so blocked up by rocks as to be impassable.

I have been told that there are places in the more crowded portion rendered perfectly impassable at night in consequence of the effluvia arising from the immense quantities of musk rats, which, together with the common sort, and bandicoots of an incredible size, abound, the narrow close lanes being apparently built for the purpose of affording accommodation to vermin of every description.

The accomplishment of what in his days must have appeared very unlikely ever to take placenamely, the junction of inhabited dwellings with the trees of Mahimseems to be in rapid course of fulfilment; the land has been drained, many portions formerly impassable filled up, and rendered solid ground, while the houses are extending so fast, that the Burruh Bazaar will in no very long period, in all probability, extend to Mahim.

In the course of 1839, the little cloud showed itself in the outlook of the future; the little rift opened, small and hardly perceptible, which was to widen into an impassable gulf.

Do you want an image of the human will, or the self-determining principle, as compared with its prearranged and impassable restrictions?

It was wild and bitter weather, and the roads were in many places rendered dangerous, and almost impassable, by the drifting snow.

The fierce, stern nature of the man soon mastered the unwonted excitement, and in a few minutes he was cold, silent, impassable as ever.

The roads in the immediate vicinity of Manila are macadamized and in fairly good order; elsewhere they are narrow paths of soft, black soil, which becomes almost impassable in the rainy season.

The country is impassable because of its swamps and quagmires which the Spaniards call tremelaes or trampales, or by other names cenegales, sumineros, and zahoudaderos.

A heavy rain on the 10th July rendered the roads almost impassable, and it was not till the morning of the 12th that the first detachment could be embarked.

436 examples of  impassable  in sentences