319 examples of impassive in sentences

<Pass, path> (suffer): (1) passion, passive, impassive, impassioned, compassion, pathos, pathetic, impatient, apathy, sympathy, antipathy; (2) passible, impassible, dispassionate, pathology, telepathy, hydropathy, homeopathy, allopathy, osteopathy, neuropathic, pathogenesis.

Gloria marvelled at him; she could see his face and it was impassive.

His face, ruddy in the firelight, was impassive; Gloria, looking at him, saw no mere man but a senseless thing of machine levers and steel coils; something tireless and hard and as determined as fate itself.

On the instant his face had fallen as impassive as that of the Chinese boy who stood behind his chair, straight, rigid, like a waxen image of Gravity in a blue gown.

Preserve an impassive exterior; listen attentively but without eagerness; ask as few questions as possible; pursue any inquiry that your observations on the spot may suggest.

I imagine that he must have been somewhat disappointed by my impassive demeanour, for the remains suggested to me nothing more than a rather shabby set of "student's osteology."

" As he spoke there came a knock at the door, and in answer to his summons the impassive butler person appeared on the threshold.

He stood waiting patiently, outwardly impassive.

He was too intensely masculine, solid, practical, impassive.

Where Fyfe was reserved almost to taciturnity, impassive-featured, save for that whimsical gleam that was never wholly absent from his keen blue eyes, Monohan talked with facile ease, with wonderful expressiveness of face.

For, the anxious student of his mind and life-work, nothing is more desolating than the impassive silence he maintains about his doings as an artist.

117, 188, you forget one great principlethat God is impassive; cannot suffer.

Black and impassive they stand, alike in the brightest summer or the grayest winter, sighing restlessly in the breeze, but wailing piteously when the sea-winds sweep over the hill.

Rational, impassive, vigorous as he was, she made him unhappy.

The judge left the room and the impassive-faced Javert began that machine-like writing.

All else was impassive on Edouard's face.

Never before, not even that first night they had been alone, had the girl realised as at this moment what she meant to this solitary, impassive human.

Not in the least deceived was this impassive, all-observing human, not in the least in doubt as to the cause of the transformation: yet through it all he gave no intimation of consciousness of the unusual, through it all he smiled, and smiled and smiled again.

A moment he stood there, holding the light so the girl could see; then, impassive as before, he extinguished the blaze and returned the lantern to its place.

Such a softening change had come over the cynical, impassive countenance, so wistful a look into the keen, dark eyes bent upon Madame de Flahaut, as caused a feeling of pity in the young man's heart for this brilliant, unhappy, unrighteous servant of the Church.

" She was silent, impassive, indifferent so he thought, although the arm which he held trembled within his grip.

Squire Boatfield's kind eyes now rested on the old woman, who, awed and silentshut out by her infirmities from this strange drama which was being enacted in her cottagehad stood calm and impassive by, trying to read with that wonderful quickness of intuition which the poverty of one sense gives to the otherswhat was going on round her, since she could not hear.

It is quite impossible to analyze the thoughts of the man who thus stood bya silent and almost impassive spectatorof a scene, wherein his fate, his life, an awful retribution and deadly justice, were all hanging in the balance.

Once again I saw him, in academic surroundings, sturdy and impassive, an incongruous element among the caps and gowns; but it was among such men that he won what is to my mind one of his greatest victories.

He stood impassive, his face wearing his queer smile.

319 examples of  impassive  in sentences