2272 examples of impatient in sentences

Mary was half-impatient, half-reluctantly admiring; not an uncommon mixture of feeling for the extreme forms of virtue to produce.

Alec Naylor grew impatient.

But he was held to be a vain, fussy, self-important, peacocky fellow; very self-centered also and (as Beaumaroy had indicated) impatient of the family and social obligations which most men recognize, even though often unwillingly.

O impatient Rogerkin, bolt thy food, man, gulp swallow, and ask and importune my lord thyself!" "Not Inot I!"

"Good master Reeve," quoth Beltane, as Walkyn and Eric, obedient to his word, moved into the square to right and left, each with his company, "there is one without that groweth impatient.

And now, while the trumpets blared, the two knights took their ground, Sir Gilles resplendent in lofty crest and emblazoned surcoat, the three stooping falcons conspicuous on his shield, his mighty roan charger pawing the ling with impatient hoof; his opponent, a gleaming figure astride a tall black horse, his round-topped casque unadorned by plume or crest.

So they ate together, whiles the war-horse Mars, pawing impatient hoof, oft turned his great head to view them with round and wistful eye.

There was much to be done and the construction bosses who had sent for him were getting impatient.

The one who came up the line looked impatient and put his hand on his companion's arm, as if to urge him away.

There was a carrier's cart ready to start, and a keen, thin, impatient, black-a-vised little man, his hand at his gray horse's head, looking about angrily for something.

Philip was quite satisfied with them as they were, if they would only stay with him, but the customers who had bought and paid for highly recommended young fowl were inclined to be impatient and even unpleasant when the two parent birds were to be seen gadding around the street at all hours of the day, utterly regardless of their young master's promises.

A whistle was blowing, and nearly every one was rushing from the room, the impatient old gentleman among the first.

" "What luck did you have with the carriages, papa?" asked impatient Patty.

But I am impatient to hear your answer to my question.

Already there was a faint touch of the sea in the river breeze, and he was impatient for the immeasurable open spaces, the salt wind, the rise and fall of the great ship.

They might not see it, and then" She shuddered, "How frightfully lonesome!the terrible nights" He made an impatient gesture.

The stallion, impatient of new mastery, reared and plunged, snorted, came back on the bit in an attempt to get it in his teeth, and bolted straight for the group of roisterers, who scattered away, men swearing, women screaming.

This was too much, for Janey, and it was little wonder that she jumped up with an impatient exclamation, nor that she declared to Eva and Alice a little later that Cordelia ought to be ashamed of herself for being so careless, and that she did wish she didn't have to sit next to her.

A tremendous rise in values set in; the newly married required homes; architects were rushed to death; builders, real-estate operators, brokers, could not handle the business hurled at them by impatient bridegrooms.

But no sound came from within the room, and after a third and much louder thumping at the door, Allerdyke grew impatient and suspicious.

The sky was still cloudless; the cool of the coming evening refreshed the air, the birds that sing at twilight were already breaking forth into melody as if impatient for the night, and Ralph walked out through it all like one in a dream.

He knew that she believed him now to be her son; that she was ready to take him to her home, that she counted very greatly on his coming, and was impatient to bestow on him all the care and devotion that her mother's heart could conceive.

But John Crewysthough passionately desiring her companionship, and impatient of all barriers, real or imaginary, which divided her from himyet lived a life very full of work and interest and pleasure on his own account.

627 cristata Slender-branched ditto c.m. 628 serrata Saw'd-leaved ditto c.m. 629 impatiens Impatient ditto c.m. 630 santolina Lavender-Cotton-leaved ditto c.m.

In Burnaby's Travels through the middle settlements of North America, in 1759 and 1760, published in 1775, is expressed this sentiment: "An idea, strange as it is visionary, has entered into the minds of the generality of mankind, that empire is traveling westward; and every one is looking forward with eager and impatient expectation to that destined moment when America is to give the law to the rest of the world.

2272 examples of  impatient  in sentences