16 examples of imper in sentences

(impers.), to be; hay, there is (or are); habia, there was (or were); habrá, there will be; que, to be necessary; me lo habían de asegurar ...

The Indic., Imper., Infin., and Participles correspond to the English, and have a short union-vowel, (ε, ο, or α,) except the Perf. and Pluperf.

The Imper. has but two persons.

to the Indic., and the Imper.

The terminations of the Imper. are analogous to the secondary in the act., and in the mid. and pass.

3. λέγω; pres., § 65; imper., § 42; 2d plur.

pass., § 59; σ for δ, § 14; η in imper., § 42; 3d pers.

From ῥύομαι, § 62; depon., § 40; 1st aor., § 59; imper.

s. ε έτω p. ετε έτωσαν Imper.

ον άτω p. ατε άτωσαν Imper.

αίμεϑα αισϑε αιντο Imper. of Pres.

p. εσϑε έσϑωσαν Imper.

Mid. s. αι άσϑω p. ασϑε άσϑωσαν Imper.

ἐδείκνυν SYNOPSIS OF VERBS IN μι.(Continued.) Middle Voice, (including Pres. and Imper.

NEMOA, v. impers.

TOCO, v. Impers.

16 examples of  imper  in sentences