650 examples of imperious in sentences

Ah! who aright shall tell their praise, Their subtle, soft, imperious ways, Their high disdain.

Make any duty clear and imperious to Christian people, and they will generally conform to it.

It was necessary to gain the confidence of an imperious and jealous mistresswhich was only to be done by the most humble assiduitiesbefore she could undermine her in the affections of the King.

Maintenon was always amiable and sympathetic; Montespan provoked the King by her resentments, her imperious exactions, her ungovernable fits of temper, her haughty sarcasm.

It ruined Louvois, Wolsey, and Thomas Cromwell; it broke the chain which bound Louis XIV. to the imperious Montespan.

Alexander] buried: Alexander returneth into dust; the dust is [Sidenote: to] earth; of earth we make Lome, and why of that Lome (whereto he was conuerted) might they not stopp a Beere-barrell? Imperiall Caesar, dead and turn'd to clay, [Sidenote: Imperious] Might stop a hole to keepe the winde away.

His accession to the peerage in 1798 did not tend to tame his haughty nature, and he grew up passionately imperious and combative.

Thus the Rev. Matthewson Helstone, the imperious little vicar of Briarfield, to his niece, who, obeyed his unusual request, asked where they were going.

In all matters connected with his work his will was imperious, and he would brook no interference or criticism.

He was a man of stately aspect, expert in all bodily exercises, reared in the camp and accustomed to command, imperious like his father and unscrupulous in the choice of his means.

It was a munificence of the heart; an imperious desire to prove to her that he thought of her always; a pride in seeing her the most magnificent, the happiest, the most envied of women; a generosity more profound even, which impelled him to despoil himself of everything, of his money, of his life.

He had not dreamed at first of political supremacy, only the rapture of belief and the imperious desire to convert had made his foundation of a city and then an overlordship inevitable.

They promised alliance with him and their prisoners were restored, but the booty taken from them was retained, after the old imperious custom, which demanded wealth from the conquered.

Egypt another paradise, now barbarous and desert, and almost waste, by the despotical government of an imperious Turk, intolerabili servitutis jugo premitur (one saith) not only fire and water, goods or lands, sed ipse spiritus ab insolentissimi victoris pendet nutu, such is their slavery, their lives and souls depend upon his insolent will and command.

Even for Ballinger and Curtis she had smiles that atoned for her little air of imperious command.

Queenie ate and drank in long, fierce silences; for her hunger was even more imperious than her pride.

Urg'd by th' imperious soldiers' fierce command, The groaning Greeks break up their golden caverns, Pregnant with stores, that India's mines might envy, Th' accumulated wealth of toiling ages.

But see, the lofty maid, at our approach, Resumes th' imperious air of haughty virtue.

compassion calls upon me To check this torrent of imperious rage: While unavailing anger crowds thy tongue With idle threats and fruitless exclamation, The fraudful moments ply their silent wings, And steal thy life away.

The command was given in his most imperious manner, and his daughter dropped her muff in some resentment as she rose, in order to let him have the pleasure of seeing Mr. Hardy pick it up.

'It is a peculiarly imperious necessity of our existence,' we read in Jelal Noury Bey's propaganda, 'to Turkise the Arab lands, for the particularistic idea of nationality is awaking among the younger generations of Arabs, and already threatens us with a great catastrophe.'

The one hand which she could use glittered with diamonds, as she waved it with a little imperious gesture towards the chair on which she desired Lady Mary to seat herself; and Mary sat down meekly, knowing that this chair represented the felon's dock.

But of course a man who had, as it were, become the acknowledged champion of the ring, and who had an irascible and thoroughly dogmatic temper, was tempted to become unduly imperious.

How imperious, then, is the obligation imposed upon every citizen, in his own sphere of action, whether limited or extended, to exert himself in perpetuating a condition of things so singularly happy!

The discovery of Herod's suspicions toward her aroused the imperious spirit of Mariamne.

650 examples of  imperious  in sentences