93 examples of impersonated in sentences

Is not the ideal of creation impersonated in me already?"

The capitalized Dream might appear to be one of those impersonated Dreams to whom these stanzas relate: but in the present line the word 'dream' would be more naturally construed as meaning simply 'thought, mental conception.' 1. 7.

He appeared to be a man of no ambition other than to get through life as easily as might beof no personal dignity, no ruling habits, but possessed of imitative talent that enabled him, without the slightest trouble, to adopt the very gait and gesture of the emperor whom he impersonated.

Among all the ancient pagan nations the sun, the moon, and the planets, under different names, whether impersonated or not, were the principal objects of worship for the people.

Every grove, every fountain, every river, every beautiful spot, had its presiding deity; while every wonder of Nature,the sun, the moon, the stars, the tempest, the thunder, the lightning,was impersonated as an awful power for good or evil.

Grecian mythology was a vast system of impersonated forces, beginning with the legends of heroes and ending with the personification of the faculties of the mind and the manifestations of Nature, in deities who presided over festivals, cities, groves, and mountains, with all the infirmities of human nature, and without calling out exalted sentiments of love or reverence.

All these wonders and sentiments they impersonated; and these impersonations were supposed to preside over the things they represented, and to a certain extent were worshipped.

In this picture female grace was impersonated.

Sacred eloquence, then, as impersonated in Chrysostom, "the golden-mouthed," will be the subject of this Lecture, for it was by the "foolishness of preaching" that a new spiritual influence went forth to save a dying world.

He impersonated them, and therefore led the age and became its greatest oracle.

He loved the storms of battle; he impersonated revolutionary ideas.

The companions of the prince were mostly dissipated and ennuied courtiers, as impersonated in that incarnation of dandyism who went by the name of Beau Brummell,a contemptible character, who yet, it seems, was the leader of fashion, especially in dress, of which the prince himself was inordinately fond.

Of the impersonated picture which received him on his arrival, he never said a single word.

Life had, after all, been peopled by the precisely labeled puppets of a morality play; they came on, and declaimed, and made gesturesbut they remained abstractions, things apart from life, mere representations of the vices and virtues they impersonated.

The white hair is part of Sesha, the great serpent, which is itself a part of Vishnu and this will be impersonated as Devaki's seventh child.

The black hair is Vishnu's own self which will be impersonated as Devaki's eighth child.

The mode itself is called 'the swinging music' but since swinging was symbolical of love-making and also took place during the rains, the season of longing, its spirit was sometimes impersonated not by an ordinary prince but by Krishna himself.

For, though they all appeared about as they used to do, I was able to detect some slight difference in look or gesture or intonation of voice, and this was enough to confirm my belief that they were impersonators, engaged in a conspiracy, not merely to entrap me, but to incriminate those whom they impersonated.

The Chamberlain had made the most colossal blunder, and in the aged old-clothes woman, whom he had picked up in the streets of Berlin to impersonate the gipsy, he had hit upon the very same mysterious gipsy-woman whom he wished to have impersonated.

Yet he, not loth, in favour of thy claims To reverence, suspends his own; submitting All that the God of Nature hath conferred, All that he holds in common with the stars, To the memorial majesty of Time 20 Impersonated in thy calm decay! Take, then, thy seat, Vicegerent unreproved!

No one can care for the fine lady, statuesquely impersonated by Miss ALMA STANLEY, who yields as easily to Paul's seductive wooing as does Lady Anne to Richard the Third.

Flower-warmth and fragrance are on her page, the soft low summer wind seems to be speaking with you as you read, her characters are like the stars impersonated, and still, however lofty her nature, always and forever genial.

Hamlet wasas SHAKSPEARE took care to emphasise"fat, and scant of breath"which was the physical description of the actor who first impersonated the leading rôle of this play; and the French author's idea of Hamlet was, accordingly, a fat youth, very much out of condition, home from Wittenberg College, in consequence of his father's recent decease.

There is no doubt in my mind, Sexton, but what she really is being impersonated by some one who resembles her most remarkably.

Take the good judge, and in him jurisprudence seems impersonated, and his opinions are authorities.

93 examples of  impersonated  in sentences