28 examples of imperturbability in sentences

Even M. Pigot, evidently as he prided himself upon his imperturbability, could not look upon those gems wholly unmoved; a slow colour crept into his cheeks as he gazed down at them, and he picked up one or two of the larger ones to admire them more closely.

He was short and fat, with a red mottled face; a model of discretion and imperturbability, who had served Crewe for ten years, and bade fair to serve him another ten, if he lived that long.

" Etta glanced at Paul, who returned De Chauxville's bland gaze with all the imperturbability of a prince.

She was on her own territory at this work, playing her own game; and she was more alarmed by De Chauxville's imperturbability than by any thing he had said.

He was the very personification of punctiliousness and always displayed sublime imperturbability in exigencies of great moment.

She felt that she was being swept beyond her depth by a current which she was powerless to resist; that she was beating with bare hands against a wall of incredible height and thicknessthe wall of Old World convention, of class imperturbability.

" Mr. Selingman's amiable imperturbability was for once disturbed.

" The imperturbability of the inspector was not proof against such an amazing statement.

Inexcitability N. inexcitability^, imperturbability, inirritability^; even temper, tranquil mind, dispassion; tolerance, patience, coolth [Coll.].

He is intrepid in dangers, free from all passion, happy in adversity, calm in the storm; he alone knows how to live, because he alone knows how to die; he is the master of the world, because he is master of himself, and the equal of God; he looks down upon everything with sublime imperturbability, despising the sadnesses of humanity and smiling with irritating loftiness at all our hopes and all our fears.

It was this curious detachment of Dickie's, this imperturbability, that most infuriated Hudson.

And I think that if I were choosing a figure for some great sculptor to immortalize, to typify and represent the superb, the majestic imperturbability of the British Empire in time of stress and storm, his would be the one.

Self-reliance, boldness, and imperturbability in the hour of misfortune are produced by knowledge.

She had seen the last part of the drama in front of the village; and she was too frightened even to notice the curious imperturbability of her little son.

He was a child of the jungle, and perhaps he had shared of that great imperturbability and impassiveness that is the eternal trait of the wildernesses.

" Mr. Simeon Brown's usual demeanor was that of the most leathery imperturbability.

Aware of his advantage, Richelieu consequently despised the opposition by which he was harassed and impeded in his projects; and while he affected to pay the greatest deference to the representations of the Queen-mother, he persisted in his enterprises with an imperturbability which ensured their success.

Hazards beset her social groove; Dilemmas riseshe wriggles free; Landslip or earthquake cannot move Her imperturbability.

They made a picture of imperturbability of the kind that is a cure for nerves under fire.

But we know now that it is true, and we feel a sort of pride in the truly British imperturbability of our official machinery.

The Major, unaccustomed as he was to these vicissitudes of Kamchatkan travel, held out like a Spartan; but I noticed that for the last ten miles he rode upon a pillow, and shouted at short intervals to Dodd, who, with stoical imperturbability, was riding quietly in advance: "Dodd!

He had been accustomed to depend on his imperturbability, and now he could scarcely recall the feeling of the mental condition.

The young man's natural imperturbability, always exasperating to Wynn, seemed accented that morning by contrast with his own over-acted animation.

I can believe that with similar imperturbability Francis Joseph has confronted the series of perplexities which make up the tangled story of his long career, and I count it good fortune that I witnessed, in a moment of supreme embarrassment, the balance and resolution with which the good ruler went to his task.

That gentleman arrived with two private agents, armed with full powers and wrapped in the magnificent imperturbability of the law.

28 examples of  imperturbability  in sentences