1083 examples of imply in sentences

"There are occasions in life," he remarks, "when to acknowledge that our last meeting with a friend, who has since mysteriously disappeared, was to reject him and imply a preference for his uncle, may be calculated to associate us unpleasantly with that disappearance, in the minds of the censorious, and invite suspicions tending to our early cross-examination by our Irish local magistrate.

[Footnote 2: It has been suggested to me that these words may be taken to imply a discouragement on my part of any sort of scientific instruction which does not give an acquaintance with the facts at first hand.

They imply perpetuity.

Mr. Ruskin too often seems to imply that fine architecture is like virtue or the kingdom of Heaven: that, if it be sought first, all other things will be added.

Scolding and quarrelling have something of familiarity and a community of interest; they imply acquaintance; they are of resentment, which is of the family of dearness.

" 2. PURSUING THIS PICTURE, we may add, that to be a good housewife does not necessarily imply an abandonment of proper pleasures or amusing recreation; and we think it the more necessary to express this, as the performance of the duties of a mistress may, to some minds, perhaps seem to be incompatible with the enjoyment of life.

R. S. V. P. The letters in the corner imply "Répondez, s'il vous plaît;" meaning, "an answer will oblige."

The wording of the Domesday survey does not imply that in this respect the new military service differed from the old; the land is marked out, not into knights' fees, but into hides, and the number of knights to be furnished by a particular feudatory would be ascertained by inquiring the number of hides that he held, without apportioning the particular acres that were to support the particular knight.

That is not to imply any direct proportion between the amount of thyroid secretion in an individual, and the length of life to which he is destined.

The use of the word "Huns" does not imply that we identify the early or the late Hsiung-nu with the European Huns.

The grand scale of his offences, and the absorbing interest of the trial, have led to his case being quoted as an obvious parallel to that of Warren Hastings, though with much injustice to the latter, so far as it may seem to imply any comparison of moral character.

There is at least sufficient evidence that he was much given to making jokes, and some of them which have come down to us would imply that a Roman audience was not very critical on this point.

" Nothe gods are immortal and happy beings; and these very attributes imply that they should be wholly free from the cares of businessexempt from labour, as from pain and death.

But, moreover, the Pope's vestments all imply a claim to be something purely mystical and doubtful.

Many of the German Emperor's uniforms imply a claim to be something which he certainly is not and which it would be highly disgusting if he were.

Not only was each department of the fine arts practised with singular success; not only was the national genius to a very large extent absorbed in painting, sculpture, and architecture; but the aesthetic impulse was more subtly and widely diffused than this alone would imply.

The desire of a better world, the fear of a worse; the sense of sin referred to physical appetites, and the corresponding mortification of the flesh; hope, ecstasy, and penitence and prayer; all these imply contempt or hatred for the body, suggest notions too spiritual to be conveyed by the rounded contours of beautiful limbs, too full of struggle for statuesque tranquillity.

"Avoid haughtiness of behaviour, and affectation of manners: they imply a want of solid merit.

"Do and did simply imply opposition or emphasis.

"Loud and soft in speaking are like the fortè and piano in music; they only refer to the different degrees of force used in the same key: whereas high and low imply a change of key."Sheridan cor.

But now the proposition that he should go so soon seemed to imply a cold-blooded want of feeling on his part.

Young has no conception of religion as anything else than egoism turned heavenward; and he does not merely imply this, he insists on it.

To another, who had written her in appreciation of her books, she wrote this note, in which she alludes to the same habit of shunning criticism: MY DEAR MISS WELLINGTON,The signs of your sympathy sent to me across the wide water have touched me with the more effect because you imply that you are young.

We arrived at a large folding door placed in a high bamboo and palm tree fence, which inclosed the king's establishment, ornamented on our right by two old honeycombed guns, which, although dismounted, were probably, according to the practice of the coast, occasionally fired to attract the attention of passing vessels, and to imply that slaves were to be procured.

This does not imply a peculiarly selfish attitude on the part of organized labor.

1083 examples of  imply  in sentences