10 examples of imposthume in sentences

Mars, acute fevers and tartan agues, continual and intermitting fevers, imposthumes, erisepelas, carbuncles, fistulas, dysentery, and similar hot and dry diseases.

The moon causes palsy, cholic, dropsy, imposthumes, dysenteries, and all diseases arising from obstructed circulation.

When the moon is at the full, a tumor, or imposthume, grows on the belly of this animal, resembling a bladder filled with blood, and at this time people go to hunt this animal for the sake of this bag or swelling, which they dry in the sun, and sell at a high price, as it is the best of musk.

This is the imposthume of much wealth and peace.

But it may mean:'The war is an imposthume, which will break within, and cause much affliction to the people that make the war.'

Sit downe then, And now with speedy Justice let's prepare To cutt off this Imposthume.

[60]ille, impellents genio negotium suscepi, this I aimed at; vel ut lenirem animum scribendo, to ease my mind by writing; for I had gravidum cor, foetum caput, a kind of imposthume in my head, which I was very desirous to be unladen of, and could imagine no fitter evacuation than this.

"Pollevil is a large swelling, inflammation, or imposthume in the horse's poll, or nape of the neck just between the ears.

"Poll-evil is a large swelling, inflammation, or imposthume, in the horse's poll, or nape of the neck, just between the ears.

If all the Arts that are can make a Colique, Therefore look to't: or if imposthumes, mark me, As big as foot-balls Lieu.

10 examples of  imposthume  in sentences