54 examples of impotencies in sentences

" Then the two men stared at each other in blank impotency.

But there was no other show of military force, for the politic power which ruled in Venice, knew too well its momentary impotency, to irritate when it could not quell.

The military and public organisations must also be such as not only to result in outside efficiency, but also at the same time guarantee internal impotency.

He ridicules their morals and their offices as severely as he points out their impotency to bestow happiness.

She didn't strike the officer, or utter a single complaint in his hearing, but sat down as if she had been a spile driven through the top of the coach, and let the vinegar run out of her eyes in pure impotency of speechless rage.

For the first time since the stirring beginning of his adventures at Prince Albert a sickening sense of his own impotency began to weigh on Howland.

He stands not upon what he borrowed of his ancestors, but thinks he must work out his own honour: and if he cannot reach the virtue of them that gave him outward glory by inheritance, he is more abashed of his impotency than transported with a great name.

His study is to counterfeit impotency, and his practice to cozen simplicity of charity.

The scandalous bronze-lacquer age of hungry animalisms, spiritual impotencies, and mendacities will have to run its course till the pit swallow it.

Hence the novel is the child of human impotency and despair.

The settlers are not at any time secure against an Apache outbreak, and there are at the present time some Apaches on the war-path, which the government acknowledges its impotency to capture.

They are also void of all love of the sex, and are real impotencies, and are called infernal genii.

Such is the impotency of written constitutions, where a sense of moral obligation is wanting to enforce them.

The blunders of Braddock, the indolence of Loudon, and the impotency of Abercrombie, were repaired by the vigour of Amherst, and the genius of Wolfe.

Crassus, desiring for his part to accomplish something that would confer some glory and profit upon him, made a campaign against the Parthians, since after consideration he saw no such opportunity in Syria, where the people were quiet and the officers who had formerly warred against the Romans were by reason of their impotency causing no disturbance.

Among them are impuberty and impotency.

The cold perspiration broke out afresh on his forehead, at the roots of his hair, and in absent impotency he mopped it away with the back of a fat, grimy hand.

My mistakes, impotencies, perversions, mental obstructions, and frustrations generally, are also results of the activity of cells.

When a marriage is annulled on account of the consanguinity or affinity of the parties, or because of impotency, the issue shall be illegitimate, but when on account of non-age, or insanity, or idiocy, the issue is the legitimate issue of the party capable of contracting marriage.

And learning that this impotency was of a permanent nature, he sent him to the maiden's apartments.

I suspect that the captain had begun to realize the impotency of his command in front of Enfield rifles.

He is qualified for taking away our impotency, so that through him we can do all things, Philip, iv. 13; "when we are weak, we are strong in him who is our strength, and liveth in us," 2 Cor.

It is true, that "faith is the gift of God," Eph. ii. 8, and that it is "he alone who worketh in us, both to will and to do," Phil. i. 29, "and none cometh to the Son, but whom the Father draweth," John vi. 44; and it is a great matter, and no small advancement, to win to the real faith, and through conviction of this our impotency.

Our impotency to perform our duty, doth not loose our obligation to the duty; so that our not believing is our sin; and for this God may justly condemn us.

A sense and conviction of the unbelief and stubbornness of the heart, or a seeing of its own impotency, yea, and unwillingness to believe.

54 examples of  impotencies  in sentences