Do we say impractical or impracticable

impractical 48 occurrences

They are the impractical men.

An impractical man is not necessarily the educated man; he is the man at the top of some intellectual fence, who wishes to come down, but has absent-mindedly forgotten that he has legs.

So with the impractical man in every sphere.

The practical man, who hears the dinner-bell and prides himself upon this fact, may not hear sounds far-off and clear, that ring in the impractical man's ear, and that may sometime tell him how to make a better dinner-bell, or provide a better dinnera great social philosophyfor the race!

The really impractical man is not he who reaches out to the intellectual and ideal aspects of life; it is he who lives as if this life were all.

An impractical idealist lives in the silence with beautiful pictures of "how he desires to be when married."

impractical your idea was," explained Uncle John mildly.

It's a good idea, and in no way impractical, in my opinion.

What a pity some of our practical Christian folk have not a faith approximate to that of these "impractical" Christian Scientists.

I can see lots of trouble ahead unless impractical enthusiasts and fanatics are suppressed.

Why should any impractical scheme of progress be still called Utopian? 5.

The second possible error is that philosophy is the affair of a small group of students and specialists, quite outside the purview of the great mass of men, and that it owes its existence to this same class of delving scholars, few in number, impractical in their aims, and sharply differentiated from their fellows.

The Ufa Directorate derived its authority from the moderate Social Revolutionary party composed of the "Intelligenzia"republican, visionary, and impractical.

Furthermore it should be protected from impractical promoters, impractical managers and obstructive theorists.

Furthermore it should be protected from impractical promoters, impractical managers and obstructive theorists.

It only needs common sense supervision and a protection of the workers from the impractical interference of faddists.

The impractical theorist coming into an old plant will start in at once to rearrange the order of things irrespective of both the group habit-action and the habit-action of each man.

Industries and the workers should be protected from incompetent managers, investigators and impractical theorists.

But Doctor Holiday had vetoed decidedly both these pleasant and impractical propositions.

"I wonder," he finally suggested mildly, "if it were all divided up, the dirty work, and each of us did our share" "Oh, impractical!

By the treaty of 1848, usually called Guadaloupe Hidalgo,[A] the government of the United States had undertaken to protect the Mexicans from the incursions of Indians within the United States boundary, and as this proved to be an impractical undertaking, the damages on account of failure began to assume alarming proportions, and the government of the United States was naturally anxious to be released from the obligation.

Marconi, like many other inventors, did not discover the means by which the end was accomplished; he used the discovery of other men, and turned their impractical theories and inventions to practical uses, and, in addition, invented many theories of his own.

But as usual you are visionary and impractical.

"Well, of all the romantic, impractical farmers!" ejaculated Neil Chase, as he beheld this arrangement at close range, the table set with old blue-and-white china, a great bowl of Sally's old-fashioned pink roses in the centre.

Though Sanders and Hubbard were genuinely interested in Bell and his work, they felt that he was impractical, and were especially convinced that his experiments with the ear and its imitations were entirely useless.

impracticable 662 occurrences

awkward, unwieldy, unmanageable; intractable, stubborn &c (obstinate) 606; perverse, refractory, plaguy^, trying, thorny, rugged; knotted, knotty; invious^; pathless, trackless; labyrinthine &c (convoluted) 248; intricate, complicated &c (tangled) 59; impracticable &c (impossible) 471; not feasible &c 470; desperate &c (hopeless) 859.

You are aware that this idea, if it were not impracticable, would be a curse to humanitya deathblow to civilization and progress, and throw back mankind by centuries.

The evening was spent in pulling round the bay, the shores of which are low, and so overrun with mangroves, that landing was in most parts impracticable; but a small break in them being observed under a cliff, we put ashore to examine the country.

To us, reading this proposal in cold blood just nineteen hundred years after it was made, it may seem foolishly impracticable; to her, whose whole life was spent in unselfish devotion to her husband's interests, whose warm love for him was always mingled with discretion, it was simply an act of pietasof wifely duty.

It contained an arrangement which she had never contemplated, and which seemed as impracticable as it was strange; yet she saw it was all she had to expect, and that whatever might be the result, she must be content with the extent of interference on her husband's behalf, which was included in the singular measures suggested by Cromwell.

These two guards at the door, besides other difficulties, render it altogether impracticable.

During this consultation, many different plans for effecting the liberation of the prisoner were suggested, and, after being duly weighed, abandoned as impracticable.

In the former case the offensive would have been impracticable.

The demands made by this department of warfare, on the one hand, and by the duties of pioneering in the field on the other, are so extensive and so essentially different that it seems quite impracticable to train adequately one and the same corps in both branches during two years' service.

They lead to pronounced tactics of position (Stellungstaktik) which are impracticable in war; and the most important lesson in actual warthe timely employment of artillery within a defined space and for a definite object without any previous reconnoitring of the country in search of suitable positions for the batteriescan never be learnt on these manoeuvres.

Meanwhile the winter sank deeper; the weather grew wilder, the roads more impracticable, and therefore it seemed all the pleasanter to spend the waning days in agreeable society.

The tea-trees that yield often the finest leaves, grow on the steep declivities of hills, where it is dangerous and in some cases impracticable to collect them.

Nor is the fact of their inefficiency in many cases difficult of solution, when it is remembered that the very condition to their true effect is the complete absence of self, that they must clearly be viewed ab extra; a hard, not to say impracticable, condition to the very depraved; for it may well be doubted if to such minds any act or object having a moral nature can be presented without some personal relation.

The laughing and chattering topmen were soon dispersed: some ascending beyond the power of the engine, and others retreating into the neighbouring top, along ropes, and across giddy heights, that would have seemed impracticable to any animal less agile than a squirrel.

It gave a public character and aspect of hopelessness to our cause; it invited coldness of treatment towards us; it seemed to warn off all nations from giving us aid or comfort; and it virtually affirmed that any outlay of means or life by us in a cause seen to be impracticable would be reckless, sanguinary, cruel, and inhuman.

*** Double-headed matches are impracticable, according to the Tobacco and Matches Control Board.

At first it produced quite a sensation, and many tests were made, but it was soon found that Roullier's belts were not suited to running our swift motion machinery, and they were therefore abandoned as impracticable.

Yet to suppose them always participles, as would Dr. Webster and some others, is impracticable.

"To give separate names to every one of those trees, would have been an endless and impracticable undertaking.

Later he proscribed the horseless carriage as an impracticable toy.

But this proved impracticable; the placard must remain where it stood for the behoof of other invalids.

If some highly educated women are inefficient housekeepers, and slatternly in their persons, so also are many who neither know how to read nor write; just as there are many impracticable, inefficient, and slovenly men who are highly educated, and ignorant men who are also incompetent and inefficient.

There was, indeed, a sort of footpath by which it was possible for men to get through, but this path was dangerous, and in fact almost impracticable for horses.

In the country and under the same roof it would be quite impracticable, or at any rate so conspicuous as to rouse the elder ladies' attention and consequently act injuriously upon her mother's health.

Colonel Johnston had already determined, while in the South Pass, that it would be impracticable to cross the Wahsatch range until spring, and shaped his arrangements accordingly.

Do we say   impractical   or  impracticable