1395 examples of imprisonment in sentences

The octoroon's imprisonment came to an end on the third day after Tump's death.

Imprisonmehd for life, twice every year to stand on the pillory, and twice to be severely whipt; but he received a pardon from King William, after suffering his whippings, and two years imprisonment, with amazing fortitude, but was never allowed again to be an evidence.

No man knew better than he the corruptions of the Catholic church in France, and the persecuting intolerance which that church had stimulated there ever since the revocation of the Edict of Nantes,an intolerance so cruel that to be married unless in accordance with Catholic usage was to live in concubinage, and to be suspected of Calvinism was punishable by imprisonment or the galleys.

Besides this important act, some other salutary measures for the general good were carried by parliamentary leaders,such as enlarging the copyrights of authors, lecturers, and dramatists; abolishing imprisonment for debt for small sums; amending the highway and the marriage laws; enforcing uniformity in weights and measures, regulating prison discipline, and commuting death punishment for many crimes.

The hard and unjust sentence on O'Connell himself was imprisonment for twelve months and a fine of two thousand pounds.

But the old man had already been imprisoned several weeks; his condemnation and imprisonment had told on his rugged constitution.

He made but few speeches, and these were short, but cast his vote on occasions of importance, voting against a reduction of duty on iron and woollen and cotton goods, against imprisonment for debt, and favoring some internal improvements.

Bustamente, The King, our master, looking with sharpe eyes, Upon your trayterous yeilding up the fort, Putts off your Tryall here; you must abide Longer imprisonment.

Not nineteen years ago, I began the struggle, and endured three years imprisonment for it; but we won that great right of mankindfree expression of thought.

Now again the wild beasts are spreading terribly; and why? Because to have a single pistol, to have a sword, or a musket, is a crime which is punished by several years' imprisonment.

That this plea was true, appeared from his despatch, which was filled with a detailed account of a fictitious debate in the council: but the falsehoods which he had sent to England had occasioned the arrest and imprisonment of several royalists, and Manning was shot as a traitor at Duynwald, in the territory of the duke of Neuburg.

*** General SUKHOMLINOFF has appealed from his sentence of imprisonment for life.

To try charges where the punishment prescribed by law does not exceed a fine of one hundred dollars or imprisonment for three months.

Over crimes punishable by fine greater than $100 or imprisonment for more than three months, a justice of the peace usually has no jurisdiction of trial.

That there shall be no slavery; nor imprisonment for debt, except in cases of fraud; nor unwarranted searches or seizures of persons or property; that no general warrants shall be issued; that the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, except in certain emergencies; that persons may freely move from place to place.

Thus, if a person has been committed to prison by decree of one of the lower courts, to appeal the case and get it reviewed, might take so much time that the term of imprisonment would expire before relief could be obtained.

Crushed at first by his imprisonment, he had soon found a dull relief in it.

"That by the Imprisonment of the Inca, all that Treasure might be discovered, which appertained to former kings, together with that Chain of Gold, which Huayna Capac commanded to be made for himself to wear on the great and solemn days of their Festival"!

The Spaniards in this manner seizing on the Inca, and on all the Indian Men and Women, who were in Company with him, amongst which was his Wife, two Sons, and a Daughter, returned with them in Triumph to Cuzco; to which place the Vice-King went, so soon as he was informed of the imprisonment of the poor Prince."

And this too from a Socinian, who by this very book has, I believe, made himself obnoxious to imprisonment and the pilloryand against men, whose opinions are authorized by the most solemn acts of Parliament, and recorded in a Book, of which there must be one, by law, in every parish, and of which there is in fact one in almost every house and hovel!

No,each sunrise appoints him one more day of imprisonment and exile!

Even the rod of the pedagogue and the imprisonment of the school-room (for it has been the misfortune of "Le mie Prigioni" to be doomed to serve as a "class-book" to beginners in modern languages) have proved unable to diminish the sympathy felt for the Spielberg prisoner.

In the old days one ran the risk of perpetual imprisonment if one made so bold as to differ from the Princethe fagot, if you did not agree with the Church; but now you must think with forty millions of men and follow them in their frantic contradictions.

During this and the following period numbers of the foremost men perished in fulfillment of a sentence of condemnation (for many who had been released from prison were punished for the very reasons that had led to their imprisonment by Tiberius), and many others in gladiatorial combats.

Your state and mine, and I would it were so with all others, no longer allow the imprisonment of the debtor as a means of coercing payment from him.

1395 examples of  imprisonment  in sentences