12 examples of in a frown in sentences

And yet the watcher's brows gathered in a frown and his eyes glinted angrily.

Is it with all your heart?" His brow contracted in a frown, he set his teeth hard.

And still he walked in the shadows, and still he gazed upon the moon, but now, his thick brows were gathered in a frown, and he was wondering just why Cassilis should chance to be here, to-night, and what his confident air, and the general assurance of his manner might portend; above all, he was wondering how Mr. Cassilis came to be aware of his own impending departure.

" She stood silent for a moment, her brows knitted in a frown.

But the profile of her small round head, with its short, fair hair, was clearly distinguishable; an exquisite and serious profile, the straight forehead contracted in a frown of attention, the eyes of an azure blue, the nose delicately molded, the chin firm.

But this did not seem to be the case, and his brow was knitted in a frown as they returned to their beloved solitude.

What tonic is there in a frown? You may go up and I go down,

His heavy brows, gray like his beard, contracted in a frown.

He sat drumming a heavy tattoo on the tabletop, forehead corrugated in a frown of intensive thought.

His arms were laid along the arms of his seat; his shaggy head was sunk forward until his beard swept the curve of his big chest; the heavy tufts of hair above his eyes were drawn steadily together in a frown of attention.

" Again the gloomy look came over the dark strongly-marked face, the thick black eyebrows contracted in a frown, and the cane was struck impatiently against John Saltram's boot.

Tristram's strong, level eyebrows joined themselves in a frown, and his mouth, clean-shaven and chiseled, shut like a vice.

12 examples of  in a frown  in sentences