37 examples of in tea in sentences


We have in tea, of many kinds, a beverage which contains the active constituents of the most powerful mineral springs, and, however small the amount of iron may be which we daily take in this form, it cannot be destitute of influence on the vital processes.


Nevertheless, there is a certain reparative quality in it,we do not know what,as there is in tea; but it maybe safely given in almost any inflammatory disease, and is as little to be depended upon with the healthy or convalescent, where much nourishment is required.

Dorcas present, busy in tea-cup preparations.

"Two of my men," said he, as he wallowed in tea and fried solesone cannot get Dover soles in the weary North"who travelled in ordinary compartments, are after Hagan in two taxis, so that if one is delayed, the other will keep touch.

Many of the dishes will be found desirable for afternoon teas or evening spreads, and for use in tea and lunch rooms, and for automobile picnics.

We got into camp as a rule some time in the afternoon, and then indulged in tea and chupatties; whisky was precious, and kept for dinner, which took place at dusk.

We will call them M., B., C. and H. The bungalow, like many bungalows in tea districts, stood on a high hill, the steep sides of which had been terraced and planted with tea.

If you'll bring in tea now.

But think what it means when week by week you have jealously watched nine solid pennies going in bread, nine more in meat, and another six in tea!

So dandies of various patterns, afoot, in tea-carts, and on hacks more or less deserving in shape and action, discharged themselves of their visiting-cards at Lady Bearwarden's door, and passed on in peace to fulfil the same rite elsewhere.

He was the last-born of the patriarch, and the youngest brother of the majestic bearded gentleman engaged in tea-making.

He would flirt with girls in tea-shops.

So qualified, to say nothing of his gifts in tea-drinking, cassino, and quadrille (whist was too many for him), his popularity could not be questioned.

" When Nancy brought in tea she was dressed in her fine-weather Sunday gown; the first time it had ever been worn out of church, and the walk to and fro.

Boiled down in tea (for which, in the midst of starvation, a cockney pays five hundred per cent.

Before necessity, that knows no ruth, Ordained thy frugal use in tea and coffee, Some Stoics banned theemen who in their youth Showed an unnatural dislike of toffee; For sweetness charms the normal human tooth, Sweetness inspires the singer's tenderest strophe, Since old LUCRETIUS musically chid The curse of lifeamari aliquid.

"We don't drink it ourselves, except in tea or coffee; the cap'n says it ain't safe.

Yet even these near excursions are so very fatiguing to her, that, besides what it costs me in tea and hot rolls, and sillabubs, and cakes for the boy, I am frequently forced to take a hackney-coach, or drive them out in a one-horse chair.

There is no overtime or eight-hours' baby-talk in tea.

This, however, is a delusion, if the same amount of tea be used proportionate to the water; for tannin in its free state, the condition in which it is found in tea is one of the most readily soluble of substances; and tea infused for two minutes is likely to hold nearly as much tannin in solution as that infused for a longer period.

Cocoa and chocolate contain substances similar to theine and equally harmful, though usually present in much less proportion than in tea.

Massive walls 30 ft. high enclose the original town, but the extensive suburbs reach down to the river, which is bridged, and is a convenient waterway for trading with the interior; it was made a free port in 1842, and is the centre of a busy trade in tea, timber, and textiles.

" "Do you know how to read your fortune in tea leaves?" said Dot.

37 examples of  in tea  in sentences