716 examples of inaccurate in sentences

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We sympathize entirely with the author's indignant protest against thinking a theory necessarily inaccurate because it contravenes the opinion of the majority.

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The scenes that attended the birth of American nationality formed a not inaccurate type of those that have opened the crusade for its perpetuation.

I began to enumerate some possible reasonsan inaccurate habit of mind, a sensational imagination (both these misfortunes being hereditary), an egotistic craving for attention, even unfavourable attentionit might be any of these things, or all.

He did not see himself at all, but worked away at his desk in the foggy room, checking the unconsidered or inaccurate or oversimplified statements of others, writing his own section of the Notes of the Week, with his careful, patient, fined brilliance, stopping to gnaw his pen or his thumb-nail or to draw diagrams, triangle within triangle, or circle intersecting circle, on his blotting paper.

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" The very temperateness of the reply made him see that he had been inaccurate.

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A very inaccurate book, with sundry small plagiarisms from G. Brown.

" This seems to me to be more inaccurate and unintelligible, than to say, "Sheep was regarded as the most convenient measure of value."

In respect to definitions, too, most of these writers are shamefully inaccurate, or deficient.

28.S. W. Clark, in the second edition of his Practical Grammar, stereotyped and published in New York in 1848, appears to favour the insertion of "being" into passive verbs; but his instructions are so obscure, so often inaccurate, and so incompatible one with an other, that it is hard to say, with certainty, what he approves.

The last form offered, "on observing the rule," &c., is indeed correct enough in itself; but, as a substitute for the other, it is both inaccurate and insufficient.

The following text is inaccurate, but not in the construction of the nominative they: "All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given.

As Haywood's narrative is based largely on what the pioneers in their old age told him, his dates, and especially his accounts of the numbers and losses of the Indians in their battles, are often very inaccurate.

A cheap, inaccurate revolver was found beside him.

Moreover my brain reproduced the most striking events of my last period of normal memory with indistinct and inaccurate images, while the time preceding that period was as nothing to me.

716 examples of  inaccurate  in sentences