14 examples of inamoratos in sentences

She was incessantly importuned, now by her father, and now by her inamorato.

I see, my doctrine moves no precise ears, But such as are profess'd inamoratos. ANS.

Well, sir, but now for Master Inamorato's love-letter.

He is one of my inamoratos, Sir; They call him Mounsir Device.

attractiveness; popularity; favorite &c 899. lover, suitor, follower, admirer, adorer, wooer, amoret^, beau, sweetheart, inamorato

[Illustration: 1. Democritus Abderites; 2. Zelotypia 3. Solitudo; 4. Inamorato; 5. Hypocondriacus; 6. Superstitiosus; 7. Maniacus; 8. Borage; 9. Hellebor; 10.

IV. I'th' under column there doth stand Inamorato with folded hand; Down hangs his head, terse and polite, Some ditty sure he doth indite.

A lascivious inamorato plots all the day long to please his mistress, acts and struts, and carries himself as if she were in presence, still dreaming of her, as Pamphilus of his Glycerium, or as some do in their morning sleep.

"he might soon conquer all the world, except by chance he met with such another army of inamoratos to oppose it."

The levity of this quotation jarred so discordantly on the romantic inamorato that he sprang to his feet, and beat his forehead with his clenched fist.

I had passed many days without seeing you: I was living outside of the hotel in the doctor's house in order not to encounter my inamorato.

These Gentlemen are of that Sort of Inamoratos, who are not so very much lost to common Sense, but that they understand the Folly they are guilty of; and for that Reason separate themselves from all other Company, because they will enjoy the Pleasure of talking incoherently, without being ridiculous to any but each other.

All our Pretenders to Rhyme are professed Inamorato's; and there is scarce a Poet, good or bad, to be heard of, who has not some real or supposed Sacharissa to improve his Vein.

My inamorato looked a little mortified at the cheerful reception which I gave the intruder, and joined not so placidly in the social conversation as I could have wished.

14 examples of  inamoratos  in sentences