79 examples of inane in sentences

[Footnote 8: Our author might also have alluded to the old apology for every thing inane or contemptible"It is a tale of the man in the moon."

And the world goes on as before, and there is a whispering in the moonlit garden, and young people steal off for wholly superfluous glasses of water, and the men give her duty dances, and she is oldah, so old!under the rouge and inane smiles and dainty fripperies that caricature her lost youth!

But that inane and incoherent prattle of the little spiked beast sent him off at double-quick with his tail between his legs.

"Which one is the larger?" Without in the least understanding what his friend was driving at, and stupidly wondering if he ever had noticed any difference in Joe's ears, J.W. stared with inane bewilderment.

Non-co-operation in these circumstances cannot be called an inane movement.

"For one thing," Carolyn June went on, ignoring the inane question, "you are in love" "I ain't!"

While I was on it, "pinnacled dim in the intense inane," a strong wind was blowing, and I felt sure that the spire was rocking.

inane monumentum, In ipsis Leviniae ripis, Quas primis infans vagitibus personuit, Versiculisque jam fere moriturus illustravit, Ponendam curavit.

inane monumentum In ipsis Leviniae ripis, Quas versiculis sub exitu vitae illustratas Primis infans vagitibus personuit, Ponendam curavit JACOBUS SMOLLET de Bonhill.

The condensed old comedy which has just been laid before the readers of PUNCHINELLO, is as inane and vapid as anything that WALLACK'S theatre has shown us in the past month.

vain, empty, inane; gainless^, profitless, fruitless; unserviceable, unprofitable; ill-spent; unproductive &c 169; hors de combat

And then they sang it through, did Margaret and Billysang of the dimple in her chin and the ringlets in her hair, and of the cherry pies she achieved with such celeritysang as they sat in the spring-decked meadow every word of that inane old song that is so utterly senseless and so utterly unforgettable.

Now Margaret has gone into Selwoode, flame-faced and quite unconscious that she is humming under her breath the words of a certain inane old song: "Oh, she sat for me a chair; She has ringlets in her hair; She's a young thing and cannot leave her mother" Only she sang it "father."

She was a studious woman, loving the silent life of books better than the inane chatter of everyday humanity.

Inane cymbalon juventutis is indeed a fitting commentary on such memory tasks.

The whole poem, with its references to old myths, is merely a rehearsal of schoolroom reminiscences, as might have been guessed from the fine Lucretian rhythms with which it begins: Namque canebat, uti magnum per inane

" The chattering had ceased, although there were several attempts to break that uncomfortable silence with inane remarks.

At one o'clock a savoury smell passed the door on its way upstairs, and at five o'clock a middle-aged woman with an inane smile looked into the room on her way aloft with a loaded tea-tray.

What France set out to prove France has proved; not that common men are all angels, or all diplomatists, or all gentlemen (for these inane aristocratic illusions were no part of the Jacobin theory), but that common men can all be citizens and can all be soldiers; that common men can fight and can rule.

The Brahmin trusts his soul even higher, its flame Refines in th' Nirvana that absorbs its load, Though this divine psychism seems lotus flowed, Seems spirit inane as that on flowers bestowed; Islamism prepictures the voluptuary's abode Of Love unending: It is 'Love, love, love,' Which souls have cried since eons began to move.

The frothing gush of Louise's inane ejaculations, and the coughing, choking, cursing of Mr. Taine,whose feeble grip upon the flesh that had so betrayed him was, by now, so far loosed that he could scarcely walk alone,set the painter struggling for words that would mean nothingthe only words that, under the circumstances, could serve.

The artist, seizing the opportunity with the cunning of desperation, turned to Mrs. Taine, with some inane remark about the summers in California.

We know that much in the myriad-peopled world of booksvery much in all kindsis trivial, enervating, inane, even noxious.

Even while I talked to the head of that nest of corruption, and listened to his inane platitudes about my duty as an inmate of a hospital to report abuses to him, and "the regular way of proceeding," I did want to hurl the gauntlet of an irregular defiance into his plausible face, but the pleading eyes in Campbell held me; I could not let those men die, and die they must if I must leave them.

And it is true that when Racine wished to create a great effect he did not adopt the romantic method; he did not chase his ideas through the four quarters of the universe to catch them at last upon the verge of the inane; and anyone who hopes to come upon 'fine surprises' of this kind in his pages will be disappointed.

79 examples of  inane  in sentences