195 examples of inaudible in sentences

He trembled, was inaudible, melted in agony, and had to leave the stage.

There is no necessity for a priest at such recitation to say one verse in a loud voice and to say his companion's verses in a low, inaudible voice.

Second assignment: Name all the words you can that designate inaudible laughter (for example, <smile, smirk, grin>).

" There was that inaudible, invisible, motionless "movement," as some French reporters call it, of surprise throughout the assembly which communicates itself instinctively to a speaker.

"Don't you think so?" She glanced at Marcos as she spoke, but the remark must have been addressed to Sarrion, whose reply was inaudible.

Her head sank on his shoulder, as she faintly whispered something that was inaudible, but which he did not fail to interpret into everything he most wished to hear.

The command of the spirit, inaudible except to the soul, and not to be controverted on grounds of human wisdom, was made a plea for most indecorous exhibitions, which, abstractedly considered, well deserved the moderate chastisement of the rod.

Her lips moved, but the answer was inaudible.

" The other man's reply was inaudible.

"'You were engaged to Miss Edith Crawford at one time, were you not?' "One felt, rather than heard, the almost inaudible 'Yes' which escaped from David Graham's compressed lips.

The girl addressed made an inaudible reply and the first girl continued in low but emphatic tones, "Well, you won't catch me fetching and carrying for her and playing the part of the adoring slave, I can tell you.

"As the President's steamer came alongside the officer shouted an inaudible order down a tube.

The hapless ship lies dismasted, bilged, and beat about by the waves, with the despairing crew clinging to the wreck, or to the shrouds, and uttering cries totally inaudible in the roar of the sea; while at each successive dash of the breakers the number of the survivors is thinned, till at length they all disappear.

When he answered a question it was with the air of interrupting an inaudible tune he was whistling.

" "'Umyes; another remark better left with the inaudible.

As they walked side by side along the stagnant waters, she was sending inaudible messages of this sort towards her aunt; she had even selected the particular mauve speck at the top of the steps which might be Mrs. Marshall-Smith.

I tried to utter that word of mine, but it came in a whisper inaudible to my ears: I tried again, and this time heard myself say: 'anyone?'

Hector, at the first intimation, had revolted indignantly against the inhuman proposal, and made many inaudible vows of undying constancy to his innocent and trusting Daphne; but by degrees, there is no denying thatwithout thinking of the fortunehe found various attractions in his cousin.

For a moment Holroyd was inaudible, and then Azuma-zi heard: "Kill a hundred men.

In the meantime the light was out, and the darkness sat heavily beside and about them, with that faint succession of inaudible breathing sounds which are sensed rather than actually heard.

I then, with the object of destroying them, fixed on my bow-string the weapon capable of piercing the foes if but his sound was inaudible.

These are the patient laureates Whose voices, trained below, Ascend in ceaseless carol, Inaudible, indeed, To us, the duller scholars Of the mysterious bard!

He passed into the counting-room, to M. De Brahmin, and standing there talked in an inaudible tone, leaning over the upturned spectacles of his manager, for nearly an hour.

You will take pleasure in observing the sudden transition from the silence of study hours to the joyful sounds and the animating activity of recess when the Study Card goes down; and then when it rises again at the close of the recess, you will be gratified to observe how suddenly the sounds which have filled the air, and made the room so lively a scene, are hushed into silence by the single and almost inaudible touch of that little bell.

You must give the reef a good, berth, in rounding Montaukand you'll naturally wish to find the anchors again, when the coast is clearif you can find it in your conscience, say a good word of poor old Ben Trysail, in the dispatches" The voice of the master sunk to a whisper, and became inaudible.

195 examples of  inaudible  in sentences