53 examples of inculcations in sentences

Let careful attention be paid to the teaching in the various schools, with repeated inculcation of the filial and fraternal duties, and gray-haired men will not be seen upon the roads, carrying burdens on their backs or on their heads.

Let careful attention be paid to the teaching in the various schools, with repeated inculcation of the filial and fraternal duties, and gray-haired men will not be seen upon the roads, carrying burdens on their backs or on their heads.

No man, and especially no earnest man, can read him without feeling himself arrested as by the grip of a giant,without trembling before his stern questions, inculcations, and admonitions.

My father's moral inculcations were at all times mainly those of the "Socratici viri"; justice, temperance (to which he gave a very extended application), veracity, perseverance, readiness to encounter pain and especially labour; regard for the public good; estimation of persons according to their merits, and of things according to their intrinsic usefulness; a life of exertion in contradiction to one of self-indulgent ease and sloth.

His inculcations of this virtue fill a large place in my childish remembrances.

There is the same defect in this great work that there is in the Life of Cromwell,the inculcation of the doctrine that might makes right; that we may do evil that good may come,thus putting expediency above eternal justice, and palliating crimes because of their success.

Even in his social and moral exhortations, tinctured as they are with medievalism, and however much we may here again disagree with him, he had much that was uplifting and inspiring to say to his time,a time that had great need of his apostolic counsellings and his fervent inculcations of morality, industry, religion, and humanity.

persuasion, proselytism, propagandism^, propaganda; indoctrination, inculcation, inoculation; advise &c 695. explanation &c (interpretation) 522; lesson, lecture, sermon; apologue^, parable; discourse, prolection^, preachment; chalk talk; Chautauqua

That may, of course, be attributable to the obscurity which veils the history of those countries; but the exceedingly mild character of their religion, together with their unceasing inculcation of forbearance towards all living things, and the fact that Brahmanism by its caste system properly admits no proselytes, allows one to hope that their adherents may be acquitted of shedding blood on a large scale, and of cruelty in any form.

But Seneca's inculcation of tenderness towards slaves was in reality one of the most original of his moral teachings; and, from all that we know of Roman life, it is to be feared that the number of those who acted in accordance with it was small.

Of late, indeed, a better knowledge of the laws of health, or perhaps only a keener sense of its value and its instability, begins to supersede these rash inculcations; and paragraphs due to some discreet Dr. Hall make the rounds of the press, in which we are reminded that early rising, in order to prove a benefit, rather than a source of mischief, must be duly matched with early going to bed.

And good ideals need, just as much as bad ones, systematic inculcation, continual open expression and restatement.

And consequently both the poetry and the prose of the time are restricted in their scope and temper to the artificial and romantic, to high-flown eloquence, to the celebration of love and devotion, or to the inculcation of those courtly virtues and accomplishments which composed the perfect pattern of a gentleman.

It is needless to add that the Sunday Freethought lectures were carried on despite the legal toils of the week, and, as said above, the large audiences attracted by the prosecution gave a splendid field for the inculcation of Freethought views.

"The strong point of the English public schools," he says, "has always lain in their efficiency as agencies for the formation of character and for the inculcation of the great notion of obligation which distinguishes a gentleman.

There can be no good plea for the deliberate and formal inculcation upon the young of a number of propositions which you believe to be false.

I mean, essentially, the ancient positive method, which aims directly at the inculcation of principles.

The moral effect of early lessons being a point of the utmost importance, it is especially incumbent on all those who are endeavouring to confer the benefits of intellectual culture, to guard against the admission or the inculcation of any principle which may have an improper tendency, and be ultimately prejudicial to those whom they instruct.

23.In Blanchard's small Arithmetic, published in 1854, the following inculcations occur: "When we say, 3 times 4 trees are 12 trees, we have reference to the objects counted; but in saying 3 times 4 is twelve, we mean, that 3 times the number 4, is the number 12.

Nor is the lack of such a rule a very important defect, though the inculcation of a false or imperfect one may be.

All her poems, except a few of the shorter ones, are devoted to the inculcation of some moral or philosophic teaching.

Its inspiration and its interest lie mainly in the direction of its moral and spiritual inculcations.

Such is the system adopted in Freemasonry for the development and inculcation of the great religious and philosophical truths, of which it was, for so many years, the sole conservator.

It was but an application of the same principles of instruction, that pervaded all the surrounding Gentile nations, to the inculcation of truth.

Why, after the careful inculcations of rectitude during education, comes there in afterlife all this knavery?

53 examples of  inculcations  in sentences