140 examples of indecency in sentences

And indeed the indecency of tumults is all which can be objected against fighting.

A parliamentary candidate (unsuccessful) for Axcester had once dared to poke fun at Endymion Westcote for having asserted, in a public speech, that indecency was worse than immorality.

What more logical than its culmination in that outrageous indecency, the worship of Reason in the person of a prostitute!

Impurity N. impurity; uncleanness &c (filth) 653; immodesty; grossness &c adj.; indelicacy, indecency; impudicity^; obscenity, ribaldry, Fescennine, smut, bawdry^, double entente, equivoque [Fr.].

There's no Indecency in the Confession, the Design is modest and honourable, and all your Affectation cant disguise it.

Not a word, or look, or gesture of insolence or indecency did we observe.

There are, for example, desertion, domestic neglect, cruelty to the children drunkenness or harmful drug-taking, indecency of living and uncontrollable extravagance.

And it requires battery and barricade, songs in the streets, and ragged men dead for an idea, to produce and justify the terrible flower of French indecency.

Is indecency more indecent if it is grave, or more indecent if it is gay?

It means pardoning indecency only when it is gloomy indecency.

A clergyman, his worldliness and vanity and the indecency of his writings were a scandal to the Church, though his sermons were both witty and affecting.

There, there is real joy in the flesh; our statues are naked, but we are ashamed, and our nakedness is indecency: a fair, frank soul is mirrored in those fauns and nymphs; and how strangely enigmatic is the soul of the antique world, the bare, barbarous soul of beauty and of might!

He chanced to see a scene of drunken indecency and neglect at the funeral of one of the villagers, and exclaimed in horror, "Good heavens!

Leaning hands, uplifted necks, painted eyes, scarlet mouths, a piece of thigh, arched insteps, and all is blurred; vanity, animalism, indecency, absurdity, and all to be whelmed into oblivion in a moment.

The soldiery judged, and with cordial frankness stated, that the difficulty of his rhyming scheme did not atone for his lack of indecency, but when the Queen of England went among them with Messire Heleigh's faded green hat she found them liberal.

But I may, without indecency, observe, that no man should attempt to teach others what he has never learned himself; and that those who, like Themistocles, have studied the arts of policy, and "can teach a small state how to grow great," should, like him, disdain to labour in trifles, and consider petty accomplishments as below their ambition.

KALLEN, HORACE M. Indecency and the seven arts.

The conversation in most societies partakes of this indecency, and the manners of an English female are in danger of becoming contaminated, while she is only endeavouring to suffer without pain the customs of those she has been taught to consider as models of politeness.

To his credit be it said, he condemns indecency, both as want of sense and bad taste.

These savages of Australia, as we call them, who have adorned the rocks of Depuch Island with their drawings, have in one thing proved themselves superior to the Egyptian and the Etruscan, whose works have elicited so much admiration and afforded food to so many speculationsnamely, there is not in them to be observed the slightest trace of indecency.

Let Irreverence stay her ribald tongue before these illustrious writings, and Indecency vomit her own nastiness elsewhere than on our Bible.

And not only was he thus handicapped by his birth; he had for tutor that arch-scoundrel Duboisthe "grovelling insect" who rarely opened his mouth without uttering a blasphemy or indecency, and who initiated his charge, while still a boy, into every base form of so-called pleasure.

[Sidenote: Indecency of the crinolines.]

I wish, too, that people who wear crinoline could see the indecency of their own dress as other people see it.

It is from vulgus, the common people, the mob, and means both common and unrefined, but has no relation to indecency.

140 examples of  indecency  in sentences