501 examples of indictment in sentences

" The German memorialist presses the indictment: "You cannot become a merchant by murdering one.

And he handed Mr. Tutt the indictment.

The Marquis de Condorcet, a man of some eminence in philosophy, as the word had been understood since the reign of the Encyclopedists, and closely connected with the Girondins, though not formally enrolled in their party, gave a supper, at which the Duc d'Orléans formally reconciled himself to La Fayette; and both, in company with Brissot and the Abbé Siéyes, who of late had scarcely been heard of, drew up an indictment against the queen.

Before this tribunalwe will not dignify it with the name of a court of justiceMarie Antoinette, the widow Capet, as she was called in the indictment, was now brought.

But one and all testified to her entire innocence of the different charges which they had been brought forward to support, and to the falsehood of the statements contained in the indictment.

Indictment drawn up against the queen.

Müller had been brimful of answers, ready with the most perfect indictment, the most elaborate accusations against the bloated millionaire who had decoyed his dear friend Kershaw, and murdered him in Heaven knows what an out-of-the-way corner of the East End.

Some advocates of socialism have argued, as one of the counts in their indictment of the present industrial system, that the price of a commodity is determined by the cost at which the least efficient concern in the industry can produce.

It is not that I think I have been more witty than I ought of late, that at present I wholly forbear any Attempt towards it: I am of Opinion that I ought sometimes to lay before the World the plain Letters of my Correspondents in the artless Dress in which they hastily send them, that the Reader may see I am not Accuser and Judge my self, but that the Indictment is properly and fairly laid, before I proceed against the Criminal.

The Clerk of Arraigns now rose and, reading from the indictment which lay before him on the table, addressed the prisoner "Reuben Hornby, you stand indicted for that you did, on the ninth or tenth day of March, feloniously steal a parcel of diamonds of the goods and chattels of John Hornby.

To this indictment he has pleaded that he is not guilty, and your charge is to inquire whether he be guilty or not and to hearken to the evidence.

His face was calm but grave, but just as he passed he caught the eye of some one in the crowd, and smiled in his old frank way; then glanced up towards the windows with the bright look he hath so oft caste up to me at my casement, but saw us not; perchance soe 'twas best. ...Will telleth me the indictment was the longest ever heard: on four counts.

Eight weary days dragged themselves along, and on the ninth the case of Christopher Nubbles came up in Court; and the aforesaid Christopher was called upon to plead guilty or not guilty to an indictment for that he, the aforesaid Christopher, did feloniously abstract and steal from the dwelling-house and office of one Sampson Brass, gentleman, one bank-note for five pounds, issued for Governor and Company of the Bank of England.

Such an article in a Northern newspaper would have attracted no special attention, and might merely have furnished food to an occasional reader for serious thought upon a subject not exactly agreeable; but coming from a colored man, in a Southern city, it was an indictment of the laws and social system of the South that could not fail of creating a profound sensation.

Why, Sir, a distinguished member of Congress was threatened there with an indictment for the crime of presenting, or rather of proposing to present, a petition to the body with which he was connected!

He accordingly drew up an indictment and procured the finding of a true bill against Helton.

No indictment was even dreamed of.

An impeachment is a kind of accusation or indictment brought against a public officer by the House of Commons.

Perhaps the same indictment might be made against all warmly expressed admiration for human performances.

By making certain distinctions and additions it seems easy to meet the other counts of the indictment.

This is no indictment against the dialect as dialect, but against the mould of convention in which Negro dialect in the United States has been set.

This is carrying criticism of democracy into an indictment against human nature.

This was a Bill of Indictment preferred against Philip duke of Wharton, for high treason.

He soon after this received advice from England, that his trustees could remit him no more of his annuity, on account of the indictment preferred against him.

He began now to feel the effects of the indictment, which he before held in so much contempt; he complained of it as a rigorous proceeding, because it laid him under a necessity of asking a favour, and receiving it in a public manner, which he fancied neither consistent with his honour, or reputation.

501 examples of  indictment  in sentences