212 examples of individualism in sentences

The colonial history was therefore increasingly marked by a spirit of individualism, a natural partiality for local rule, and a tenacious adherence to their special privileges, whether granted to Crown colonies, like New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, the two Carolinas, and Georgia, or proprietary governments, like Maryland, Delaware, and Pennsylvania, or charter governments, such as Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut.

They were not so much concerned about the rights of man as about his duties, and their great purpose was to substitute for the visionary idealism of a rampant individualism the authority of law.

This conception of individualism, enforced in courts of law against executives and legislatures, was wholly new and is the distinguishing characteristic of American constitutionalism.

They believed in individualism.

Proceeding to deeper and less recognized causes, some would attribute this spirit of lawlessness to the rampant individualism, which began in the eighteenth century, and which has steadily and naturally grown with the advance of democratic institutions.

And yet if we were to attribute the malady merely to excessive individualism, we would again err in mistaking a symptom for a cause.

We are now beginning to seeslowly, but surelythat a faculty of organization which, as such, submerged the spirit of individualism, is not an unmixed good.

It can defend the spirit of individualism.

It was framed at the very end of the pastoral-agricultural age and at a time when the spirit of individualism was in full flower.

Just in proportion as the spirit of individualism penetrated society, and began to show itself as the Renaissance, architecture declined.

Let us consider some of the key words of contemporary thought, such as Liberalism, Individualism, Socialism, in the light of this broad generalisation we have made; and then we shall find it easier to explain our intention in employing as a second technicality the phrase of The Great State as an opposite to the Normal Social Life, which we have already defined.

This is as true of the extremest Individualism as of the extremest Socialism.

But it is well to be very clear upon one point at this stage, and that is, that this present time is not a battle-ground between individualism and socialism; it is a battle-ground between the Normal Social Life on the one hand and a complex of forces on the other which seek a form of replacement and seem partially to find it in these and other doctrines.

On the one hand, then, we have that type of mind which is irritated by and distrustful of all collective proceedings which is profoundly distrustful of churches and states, which is expressed essentially by Individualism.

The fact that Herbert Spencer called a certain doctrine Individualism reflects nothing on the non-individualising quality of his primary assumptions and of his mental texture.

It is, however, very clearly an outcome of the intense individualism of that tradition.

He makes identically the same confident appeal to the moral motive which was for so long the salvation of the Puritan individualism from which the American tradition derives.

They tend merely to simplify it to bare irresponsible non-moral individualism.

The condemnation, he granted, was perfectly legal and therefore extrinsically lust; and it was the penalty he had to pay for an individualism which the responsible authorities of the State regarded as dangerous to the conditions on which society rested.

This he strongly denied; as the older feeling went, nothing, he said, had taken its place, or would take its place, but a naked and restless individualism, always seeking for personal satisfaction, and always missing it.

Her marriage under these circumstances required no little individualism of purpose, and some defiance of social obligations.

Individualism, old and new.

SEE Beard, Charles A. The myth of rugged American individualism.

The lasting elements of individualism.

As a philosophy socialism is related to social just as individualism is related to individual.

212 examples of  individualism  in sentences