16 examples of individualization in sentences

But since the man now knew himself as not belonging to these denser modes of manifestation, but as an individualization of Primary Spirit, he would see that relatively to himself all matter was Primary Substance, and that from this point of view any condensations of that substance into atoms, molecules, tissues, and the like counted for nothingfor him the body would be simply Primary Substance entirely responsive to his will.

The Self-Contemplation of Spirit is the Creative Power creating an environment corresponding to the mode of consciousness contemplated, and therefore in proportion as we contemplate ourselves as centers of individualization for the Divine Spirit we find ourselves surrounded by a new environment reflecting the harmonious conditions which preexist in the Thought of the Spirit.

To become visible there must be Individualization, and therefore when Philip said "Show us the Father," Jesus replied, "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father."

My flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed" such a contemplation of the Divine Personality in Him as will cause a like receiving of the Divine Personality into individualization in ourselvesthis is the great purpose of the Creative Process in the individual.

Now this higher recognition of self as an individualization of pure spirit must of necessity control all modes of spirit which have not yet reached the same level of self-recognition.

The whole is greater than its part, and therefore, if, by our recognition of this unity, we can concentrate all spirit into any given point at any moment, we thereby include any individualization of it that we may wish to deal with.

Now the reason has been shown to be super-individual, generally, and therefore not less so when the form of an individualization subsists in the 'alter', than when it is confined to the 'idem'; not less when the emotions have their conscious or believed object in another, than when their subject is the individual personal self.

To each individual being there is ascribed a vital principle, the Archeus, an individualization of the general force of nature, Vulcanus; so also to men.

The necessity of far-reaching individualization then is universally recognized.

Present-day military education requires complete individualization and a conscious development of manly feeling; in the national school everything is based on teaching in classes, and there is no distinction between the sexes.

Individualization in the language arts.

Individualization in the language arts.

Sickness is necessary to individualization.

The lowest of these three classes, the Worms, presents the typical structure of that branch in the most uniform manner, with little individualization of parts.

Both the content of art and the medium which embodies it in outward form now demand particularization, individualization, and the subjective mode of expressing these.

Character is the spiritual body of the person, and represents the individualization of vital experience, the conversion of unconscious things into self-conscious men.

16 examples of  individualization  in sentences