424 examples of individually in sentences

Individually he had never been tested, and when the test came he fell.

Each organic aggregate, whether considered individually or as a continuously existing species, is modified afresh by each fresh distribution of external forces.

Let us lay down, with Mill, that the sole end for which mankind are warranted, individually and collectively, in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their members is self- protection, and that coercion is only justified for the prevention of harm to others.

These notices of General Lee individually are necessary to a clear comprehension of the concluding incidents of the great conflict.

I may have said and may have believed that the positions of the two sections which they held to each other was brought about by the politicians of the country; that the great masses of the people, if they understood the real question, would have avoided it; but not that I had been individually wheedled by the politicians.

" The man went on to speak of this with an intense practical earnestness that soon made John feel as if he, individually, were being talked to; and the purport of the speech was this: that God had sent to him, John Morley, a Saviour to save him from his sins, to lift him above his weakness, to help him overcome his bad habits; that His name was called Jesus, because he shall save his people from their sins.

The whole town was in motion, and all classes seemed to partake of the general joy, with a feeling as if each had been individually interested.

I like them just because I do care for people, and parties are but people collectively instead of individually, you know.

The members taken individually are subjects; collectively governors.

If the proprietor of the village wants a loan of money, or if you offer to pay him the rent by half-yearly or quarterly instalments, you taking all the risk of collecting in turn from each ryot individually, he is often only too glad to accept your offer, and giving you a lease of the village for whatever term may be agreed on, you step in as virtually the landlord, and the ryots have to pay their rents to you.

There are, in this novel, indeed, many potentially dramatic crises; the trouble is that they are too numerous and individually too small to be suitable for theatrical presentment.

I was informed that this spot was the exact centre of the earth; and at the same time I was shown the numbers and measures proper to every country, but I have forgotten them, individually as well as in general.

He chose against his will to surrender a few to their wrath so that he might save the majority, and he chose to assume a friendly attitude toward them individually so as not to have to fight with them all at once.

For if one should desire to enumerate all of his great points individually, it would need many days.

Flaccus declared, that "he had individually no quarrel with the Campanians, but that he did entertain an enmity towards them on public grounds and because they were foes, and should continue to do so as long as he felt assured that they had the same feelings towards the Roman people; for that there was no nation or people on earth more inveterate against the Roman name.

1 pack carrier (except individually mounted men).

1 haversack (except individually mounted men).

FOR EACH ENLISTED MAN, INDIVIDUALLY MOUNTED, IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE. 1 rifle scabbard (if armed with rifle). 1 spurs, pair. 1 spur straps, pair. 1 set of horse equipment.

Having prayed with the company, and commended them to the grace of God, and the salvation of Jesus Christ, we shook hands with them individually, and separated from them, never more to see them, until we meet at the bar of God.

On the other hand, Barbados, Grenada, St. Vincent, and all the old and populous islands, individually and collectively, by legislative resolves, legal enactments, &c. &c.loudly protest that they have not a man to spare!

They could change their masters if the land changed its master, but they could not legally be sold individually.

They know the responsibility for honest government rests with each voter, that to have clean politics every man and woman must individually do his share to uphold high standards in political and social life, that only men whose characters are above reproach should be elected to office.

Individually they have no influence.

"The article a or an agrees with nouns in the singular number only, individually or collectively.

The undersigned can not refrain from stating that the necessity of applying for further funds was unexpected by each of them individually, as it is painful to them collectively.

424 examples of  individually  in sentences