406 examples of inequality in sentences

But the inequality of parents and children is the law of our nature, eternal and uncontrolable.

This campaign, considering the inequality of forces, is regarded by Alison as one of the most glorious in the annals of war.

In this warfare we see unscrupulous violence,prompted, not alone by his firm hostility to everything which looked like a monopoly and a moneyed power, but by the influence of advisers who hated everything like inequality of position, especially when not usable for their own purposes.

Most of the early Papers were published in the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, but several of the most important, such as his Paper "On an inequality of long period in the motions of the Earth and Venus," were published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, and others, such as the articles on "The Figure of the Earth," "Gravitation," "Tides and Waves," &c., were published in Encyclopaedias.

On an inequality of long period in the Phil.

Standard. 1883 Apr. 28 Memorandum on the progress of the Numerical Lunar Theory, addressed to the Board of Visitors of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. 1883 Letter on The Apparent Inequality in the The Observatory Mean Motion of the Moon.

Solar Inequality (see Sun)

Charms are sufficient to make a man amorous; to render him constant, something more is necessary; skill is required, a little management, a great deal of intelligence, and even a touch of ill humor and inequality.

It would be better to reject the inequality of mind as an inconstancy of human nature.

They are a part of the eternal inequality of things.

It is especially necessary now when there is so much easy talk about "equality of sacrifice," and so much easy forgetfulness of the inequality of rewards.

What offends a great intellect in society is the equality of rights, leading to equality of pretensions, which everyone enjoys; while at the same time, inequality of capacity means a corresponding disparity of social power.

There is an unjustifiable inequality in the apprentice laws, which was pointed out by one of the special magistrates.

There is a pretty sober Liveliness in the Ode of Horace to Delius, where he tells him, loud Mirth, or immoderate Sorrow, Inequality of Behaviour either in Prosperity or Adversity, are alike ungraceful in Man that is born to die.

The essential thought in the various attacks on the institution of property is that, because it either causes or makes possible the inequality of incomes, it is not socially expedient.

The higher rate of interest in new countries constantly attracts investments from abroad; yet, despite these forces working toward equalization, the inequality may remain and, through the working of other influences, may even increase in the course of years. § 5.

From the publication of the Communist Manifesto in 1848 until the beginnings of socialist construction in 1917, it was a movement of protest against poverty, unemployment, war, waste, inequality, exploitation.

The ancients had noticed that what was called the "second inequality," due as we now know to the orbital motion of the earth, only vanished when earth, sun, and planet were in line, i.e. at the planet's opposition; therefore they used oppositions to determine the mean motion, but deemed it necessary to apply a correction to the true opposition to reduce to mean opposition, thus sacrificing part of the advantage of using oppositions.

He determined to attack the "second inequality," i.e. the optical illusion caused by the earth's annual motion, but first revived an old idea of his own that for the sake of uniformity the sun, or as he preferred to regard it, the earth, should have an equant as well as the planets.

He found that the sums of successive distances from his 360 points were approximately proportional to the times from point to point, and was thus enabled to represent much more accurately the annual motion of the earth which produced the second inequality of Mars, to whose motion he now returned.

With these figures in his mind, Kepler looked up the greatest optical inequality of Mars, the angle between the straight lines from Mars to the Sun and to the centre of the circle.

Measuring from a fixed position of Mars (e.g. perihelion), this gave the variation of SE, showing the earth's inequality.

The practical effect of his clearing of the "second inequality" was to refer the orbit of Mars directly to the sun, and he found that the area between successive distances of Mars from the sun (instead of the sum of the distances) was strictly proportional to the time taken, in short, equal areas were described in equal times (2nd Law) when referred to the sun in the focus of the ellipse (1st Law).

Evection: The second inequality of the moon, which vanishes at new and full moon and is a maximum at first and last quarter.

Inequality: The difference between the actual position of a planet and its theoretical position on the hypothesis of uniform circular motion.

406 examples of  inequality  in sentences