26151 examples of ing in sentences

* * 13 gust thief mop' ing awk' ward pet' tish

et ed soul-sub du' ing PIERRE'S LITTLE SONG.

* * 27 ebb' ing spon' sor judg' ments el' e ments tu' te lage MY GUARDIAN ANGEL.

* 35 troll cel' er y new' fan gled thatch chink' ing as par' a gus im mense' sauce' pan de mol' ish ing sa' vor y pat' terns ag' gra va ting THE MINNOWS WITH SILVER TAILS.

* 35 troll cel' er y new' fan gled thatch chink' ing as par' a gus im mense' sauce' pan de mol' ish ing sa' vor y pat' terns ag' gra va ting THE MINNOWS WITH SILVER TAILS.

* * 39 ca noe' sup' ple fi' brous res' in sin' ews tam' a rack ooz' ing bal' sam sol' i ta ry pli' ant fis' sure re sist' ance som' ber crev' ice re splen' dent THE BIRCH CANOE.

* * 40 pic' tures pal' ace four' teen fa' mous ly scul' lion re past' in hal' ing en chant' ed mat' tress char' coal land' scapes ar' chi tect PETER OF CORTONA.

* * 49 mar' gin pitch' er cup' board breathed di' a mond quiv' er ing JACK FROST.

* * 51 yearn car' ol mus' ing stee' ple mag'

ing i dol' a trous pon' der ca lum' ni ate Be at' i tudes GOD IS OUR FATHER.

* 57 smit' ing el' o quence mes' mer ize ges' ture vin' e gar un dy' ing

* 57 smit' ing el' o quence mes' mer ize ges' ture vin' e gar un dy' ing

y re tal' i ate un flinch' ing

date' trudg' ing com pos' ed ly fid' dler strut' ted ap pro ba' tion re sumed' af firmed' dis a gree' a ble whith er

* * 64 Mars so' lar (ler) Ve' nus plan' ets Mer' cu ry di am' e ter com' pass es sat' el lite tel' e scope grad' u al ly in' ter est ing cir cum' fer ence THE SUN'S FAMILY "Please tell me a story, Frank" said Philip, as the two boys sat in the shade of a large tree.

* 78 es' say buoy' ant in sip' id fe quent' ing scowl' ing

* 78 es' say buoy' ant in sip' id fe quent' ing scowl' ing

* 80 al' ti tude as tound' ing ve loc' i ty vag' a bond mus tach'

* 82 a chieved' es poused' thral' dom al li' ance ter rif' ic Del' a ware Com' mo dore re cip' i ents New' found land can non ad' ing par tic'

* 83 sau' cy ig nored' rev' eled plain' tive dis traught' wea' ri some rol' lick ing mis' chie vous frec'kle-faced THE BOY OF THE HOUSE.


ing about like a young eel.

On all these things she pondered quietly, as she sat often on Sundays in the old staring, rattle-windowed meeting-house, and looked at the uncouth old pulpit, and heard the choir faw-sol-la-ing or singing fuguing tunes; but of all this she said nothing.

24.Richard Hiley, in the third edition of his Grammar, published in London, in 1840, after showing the passive use of the participle in ing, proceeds thus: "No ambiguity arises, we presume, from the use of the participle in this manner.

To avoid, however, affixing a passive signification to the participle in ing, an attempt has lately been made to substitute the passive participle in its place.

26151 examples of  ing  in sentences