44 examples of inheres in sentences

Liberty inheres in some sensible object; and every nation has formed to itself some favorite point, which by way of eminence becomes the criterion of their happiness.

Mind is the aggregate of all individual minds; (2) man has no reason for expecting that his mind or soul will be immortal; (3) no reason, except such as inheres in the very desire which he feels for immortality.

There is no evil but must inhere in a conscious being, or be referred to it; that is, evil must be felt, before it is evil.

She herself prefers graham gems, in which she believes there inheres a certain mysterious efficacy.

They assumed a supreme function which can only be compared to the Dispensing Power claimed by the Stuarts, or to the authority which, according to the Council of Constance, inheres in the Church, to "grant indulgences for reasonable causes."

"National guilds" is a contradiction in terms: it takes on the same element of error that inheres in the idea of "one big union.

V. enter into, enter into the composition of; be a component &c n. be part of, form part of &c 51; merge in, be merged in; be implicated in; share in &c (participate) 778; belong to, appertain to; combine, inhere in, unite. form, make, constitute, compose.

Neither exists for itself, but each inheres indissolubly with the other.

For, in addition to all the other blessings that naturally inhere in this state of life, the prizes offered by lawan infinitesimal portion of which determines many to undergo deathmight induce anybody to obey me.

The surreptitiousness that seems to inhere in pork-pies prompted Mr. Moggridge to slip the pie into his trousers' pocketfor his coat was off, and a white apron had taken its place.

The unknown something which is supposed to have qualities, or in which these are supposed to inhere, is an unnecessary fiction of the imagination.

The moral force inheres in woman and in man alike, and unless we use all the moral power of the Government we certainly can not exist as a Government.

Why don't you bring her in?" "Bring her inhere?"

Dr. Beattie, however, says: "Colours inhere not in the coloured body, but in the light that falls upon it; * * * and the word colour denotes, an external thing, and never a sensation of the mind.

You cannot wash it out; it inheres physiologically in the Constitution.

Dignity is for us almost synonymous with some kind of separation from common life; it dwells in palaces, not in cottages; it inheres in culture, but is inconceivable in narrow knowledge; and to the great mass of men it is, alas!

Why it has not, inheres in this fact, that the climate does not, or rarely, experience any of those violent and chilling changes of temperature that are almost constantly going on, especially in the fall, winter, and spring months, and which do the fatal work of death.

An additional advantage inheres in this Northern Pacific line of prime importance, and that is in the fact of its offering to commerce a shorter route by several hundred miles to the Pacific coast than that which now exists.

Aside from mild tonics I took no other medicine than that most beneficial sort which inheres in kindness.

And this is self-evident, seeing that a quæsitum, in itself, asks onlyDoes or does not this inhere in that?

and not Does or does not this inhere in that, and at the same time inhere in nothing else?'

and not Does or does not this inhere in that, and at the same time inhere in nothing else?'

Such crimes especially appeal to the activity and love of adventure which inhere in every boy.

Whether the life is helpful and kindly or hard and selfish can never depend upon the response of an organism to fear, but upon the response of an organism to the kindlier and more humane and sympathetic sentiments that to some extent at least inhere in the constitution of man.

But, now, there inhere in the idea of beauty different modifications which art translates into sensuous forms.

44 examples of  inheres  in sentences