194 examples of injection in sentences

The advances made in the last ten years in the practical manipulation of the ductless glands from without, the introduction of glandular extracts by feeding or injection, and the modification of their structure and function by surgery, the X-ray and radium, and other procedures, enable us to regard more confidently the problems hitherto accepted as the insoluble and intricate handiwork of Fate.

In this book, Mr. Chambers's purpose is to show that the salvation of society lies in the constant injection of new blood into its veins.

[an injection].

Injection cock.

Injection cocks of marine engines at ship's sides.

Injection orifice, proper area of.

Injection valve.

Sea injection cocks.

Several injections should be made at each time of injection.

The effect of the injection during the first eight or ten days is to render suppuration more abundant and whiter.

Signs that this is occurring areslight hæmorrhage at the end of each injection, and a gradually increasing difficulty in forcing in the fluid.

Many of the older authors, and with them writers of the present day, declare that unless this is done the ordinary injection is likely to fail in a great many instances where it would otherwise have been successful.

This injecting should be done thoroughly, and by that we mean that several syringefuls of the solution should be injected, the joint after each injection being manipulated so as to distribute the solution as far as possible over it.

It may happen, however, and often does, that this first injection of an antiseptic is unsuccessful in preventing organismal infection of the wound.

In this case we advise the injection of the original wound, and also such fistulous openings as may have formed, with the 1 in 1,000 sublimate solution.

Oh, well, I would not, and could not!she was my loveI stood like marble... Clodagh went to meet Wilson with frank right hand, in the left being the fragile glass containing the injection.

I have abandoned the use of steam injection for our experimental tar fires in favor of another system.

Through the injection of neutral fluids a great increase in the vascular tension is effected, which is relieved by elimination through the kidneys.

Immediately upon the injection of the poison a solution of sodium chloride, 0.75 per cent.

In the case of those poisons whose effect is not instantaneous, the injection of saline solution was made on the first appearance of toxic symptoms.

In other poisons the injection was made at once.

in quantity of the body weight of the animal was used in the saline injection.

Tenite injection molding.

He was astonished and satisfied not to be weighted with drugs and vials, and a faint smile played on his lips when the servant brought a nourishing injection of peptone and told him he was to take it three times every twenty-four hours.

Several days afterwards, the servant presented an injection whose color and odor differed from the other.

194 examples of  injection  in sentences