72 examples of injector in sentences

In the meantime, to find out if anything heats, you can try your pumps, but to help you along, we will suppose that your pump, or injector, as the case may be, works all right.

Others have an injector, or inspirator, and some have both cross head pump and injector.

Others have an injector, or inspirator, and some have both cross head pump and injector.

It is neither wise nor necessary to go into a detailed description of an injector.

The young reader will be likely to become convinced if an injector works for five minutes, it will continue to work, if the conditions remain the same.

If the water in the tank does not become heated, and no foreign substance is permitted to enter the injector, there is nothing to prevent its working properly as long as the conditions are within the range of a good injector.

If the water in the tank does not become heated, and no foreign substance is permitted to enter the injector, there is nothing to prevent its working properly as long as the conditions are within the range of a good injector.

The above refers more particularly to the single tube injector.

The double tube injector under the same conditions as above should work from I4 pounds to 250, and from I5 to 2I0, but as this injector is not generally used on farm engines you will most likely not meet with it very often.

The double tube injector under the same conditions as above should work from I4 pounds to 250, and from I5 to 2I0, but as this injector is not generally used on farm engines you will most likely not meet with it very often.

The injector should not be placed too near the boiler, as the heat from it will make it difficult to start the injector each time after it has been standing idle.

The injector should not be placed too near the boiler, as the heat from it will make it difficult to start the injector each time after it has been standing idle.

If the injector is so hot that it will not lift the cold water, there is no way of cooling it except by applying the water on the outside.

To start an injector of the Pemberthy type; first give it sufficient steam to lift the water, allowing the water to escape at overflow for a moment or long enough to cool the injector, then with a quick turn shut off and open up the supply which requires merely a twist of the wrist.

If the injector fails to take hold at once don't get ruffled but repeat the above move a few times and you will soon start it, and if you have tact, (it is only another word for natural ability) you will need no further instructions to start your injector.

But remember that no injector can work coal cinders or chaf and that all joints must be air tight.

If your engine is fitted with both cross head pump and injector, you use the injector for pumping water when the engine is not running.

If your engine is fitted with both cross head pump and injector, you use the injector for pumping water when the engine is not running.

The injector heats the water almost as hot as the heater.

It should always be kept in order, for, should the pump refuse to work, you have only to start your injector and use it until such time as you can remedy the trouble.

If, however, you only expect to stop a minute or two, drop your damper, and start your injector if you have one.

My brain was in such a way, that it was several days before the perfectly obvious means of finding my way to London, since I wished to go there, at all occurred to me; and the engine went wandering the intricate railway-system of the south country, I having twice to water her with a coal-bucket from a pool, for the injector was giving no water from the tank under the coals, and I did not know where to find any near tank-sheds.

A, cylinder; B, gas conduit; C, rubber pockets; D. gasometer; E, purifier; F, scrubber; G, hydraulic main; H, cooling pipe; I steam injector; K, steam boiler and superheater; L, gas generator; M, charger; N, discharge of the motor.]

The vessel, E, communicates, by means of a small bent pipe extending nearly to its bottom, with a small chamber, B, the passage of the liquid being controlled by means of the cock or tap, F. The chamber, B, is in communication, by means of a small aperture, with the nozzle, G, of an injector, T, constructed on the ordinary principles.

A disk or other valve, A, is pivoted in an aperture in a diaphragm dividing the outlet of the injector, and is operated by means hereafter described, so as to diminish the stream of water on one side and increase it on the other, so that one motor, and consequently the corresponding propeller, is driven at a higher speed than the other, and so steers the torpedo.

72 examples of  injector  in sentences