6 examples of inner peace in sentences

By way of struggle, pain and error, like his own Faust, he arrived at a view of life, in which he found inspiration and inner peace.

And he suddenly knew a great and inner peace and a love for the sheltering walls that would dwell forever in the warp and woof of his being.

Yet it is not a doctrine of quietism that is here preached, as if inner peace were the supreme thing in life, but rather one of hopeful endeavor.

The Quest for inner peace.

The Quest for inner peace.

And thus I came through storm to peace, not to the peace of an untroubled sea of outer life, which no strong soul can crave, but to an inner peace that outer troubles may not avail to rufflea peace which belongs to the eternal not to the transitory, to the depths not to the shallows of life.

6 examples of  inner peace  in sentences