6 examples of inspectorship in sentences

The wife had fortunately secured a post as one of the delegates of the Poor Relief Board, an inspectorship with various duties, such as watching over the mothers and children assisted by the board, and reporting thereon.

He wished too to unite in all cases the inspectorships of police with the office of stipendiary magistrate, to avoid collision; but the duties of inspector are of a mere ministerial and inferior character, and would not agree well with those of a magistrate.

Afterwards he thought over those promises, and another evening went into the matter more fully, telling her of all the brilliant things that he held it was possible for a South Kensington student to do and beof headmasterships, northern science schools, inspectorships, demonstratorships, yea, even professorships.

It would take over the inspectorship of factories from the Home Office, the control of quack medicines from the Privy Council and the relief of the poor from the Local Government Board.

The few "plums" of the profession are the inspectorships of the Government and of the more important education committees.

Candidates for these inspectorships must have had considerable administrative experience.

6 examples of  inspectorship  in sentences