117 examples of inspiriting in sentences

Wherever the danger seemed greatest there was the duke to be found inspiriting his men, restraining them, or putting fresh heart into them.

These inspiriting signs of a "good time coming" were, however, lost on the Triple Alliance.

The voluntary response in Britain to the call to arms has been inspiriting; and if voluntaryism means momentary delay in a crisis, still it means success in the end.

These inspiriting recollections he freely gave me for the "authentic biography" which he had given me permission to write.

"It would be much more inspiriting than working in the dark.

It drums on the window-panes, chuckles and gurgles at corners of houses, tinkles in spouts, makes mysterious crescendoes and arpeggio chords through the air; and all the while drops from the eaves and upper window-ledges are beating time as rhythmical and measured as that of a metronome,time to which our own souls furnish tune, sweet or sorrowful, inspiriting or saddening, as we will.

But where the best consistently miscarry, how tenfold more remarkable that all should continue to strive; and surely we should find it both touching and inspiriting, that in a field from which success is banished, our race should not cease to labour.

The face of the young lady beside him was still slightly pale, and the thought came to him that it would be very well for her if her mind could be diverted from the abnormally inspiriting scene she had just witnessed.

The coup d'oeil from our carriage-window is not inspiriting.

The clear sunshine, keen air, and lovely scenery seemed to have the same inspiriting effect on them as on ourselves.

Let me see; this is the ninth of March; bad roads; bad weather; no walking; no driving; nothing inspiriting; disagreeable in doors and out.

Rather than ever to-day would I make up my mind to be married: Many a worthy maiden is needing a husband's protection, And the man needs an inspiriting wife when ill is impending.

Who will pretend to deny that his heart swelled high in his bosom, And that his freer breast with purer pulses was beating, When we beheld the new sun arise in his earliest splendor, When of the rights of men we heard, which to all should be common, Were of a righteous equality told, and inspiriting freedom?

I make a great account of these fruits, which the farmers do not think it worth the while to gather,wild flavors of the Muse, vivacious and inspiriting.

Often as not they are sung in a flat and throaty style, but the effect when a number of men break into the chorus is generally inspiriting.'

She indeed seemed utterly unconscious that such projects had entered, or indeed could enter, the brain of her old playfellow, with whom, now that she was habituated to his presence, and revived by his inspiriting society, she had resumed all her old familiar intimacy, addressing him by his Christian name, as if he had never ceased to be her brother.

Leaving my wife in charge of the tiffin coolie, I tumbled off after the shikari, whom I found gloating with the messenger over the inspiriting particulars of the monarch of the glen, which, I understood, crouched expectant some paltry 2000 feet above us, near the top of the nullah!

It was a gay and inspiriting sight, especially so to youth, and Robert's heart thrilled as he looked.

It is this trust in unending progress, based on the consciousness of present failure, which is peculiarly inspiriting in Browning's thought, and it is essentially mystical.

But the sense of joint discovery is none the less giddy and inspiriting.

Before you thought of spring, Except as a surmise, You see, God bless his suddenness, A fellow in the skies Of independent hues, A little weather-worn, Inspiriting habiliments Of indigo and brown.

The atmosphere outside seemed to be just cool enough to exert an inspiriting influence upon our lively Cossacks, but it was altogether too bracing for unaccustomed American constitutions.

From this exalted position, while listening to the inspiriting clangour of the trumpets, the clattering of arms, and the trampling and neighing of steeds, Madame Bonaventure could scrutinize the deportment of each knight as he issued from the lofty arch of the Holbein Gate, and rode slowly past her.

As an employer of labor, the main expense of a farm, you want beer to be slightly nourishing, and very inspiriting, not somniferous.

There has, indeed, been a great and inspiriting revival of romance in our time, but it is partly frustrated in almost every case by this rooted conception that romance consists in the vast multiplication of incidents and the violent acceleration of narrative.

117 examples of  inspiriting  in sentences