315 examples of instalments in sentences

he's going to support her, and he's going to pay back that forty dollars of his girl's that went into his wedding duds, that hundred and ninety of his girl's savings that went into furniture" "We got to meet our instalments every month first, Jimmie.

She was chattering either of her plans for the autumn, or of Dante and the discovery of his missing cantos, or else of how abominably Bob Townsend had treated Rosalind Jemmett, and they had almost reached the upper terracelittle Roger, indeed, his red head blazing in the sunlight, was already sidling by shy instalments toward themwhen Patricia moaned inconsequently and for no ascertainable cause fainted.

They receive the amount in weekly instalments of 30 piastres (about 6 shillings) per month.

It confirmed the proposal in substance; only, the sum to be paid by Carthage for the costs of the war was raised to 3200 talents (790,000 pounds), a third of which was to be paid down at once, and the remainder in ten annual instalments.

Antiochus had to furnish hostages, one of whom was his younger son of the same name, and to pay a war- contributionproportional in amount to the treasures of Asiaof 15,000 Euboic talents (3,600,000 pounds), a fifth of which was to be paid at once, and the remainder in twelve yearly instalments.

If the proprietor of the village wants a loan of money, or if you offer to pay him the rent by half-yearly or quarterly instalments, you taking all the risk of collecting in turn from each ryot individually, he is often only too glad to accept your offer, and giving you a lease of the village for whatever term may be agreed on, you step in as virtually the landlord, and the ryots have to pay their rents to you.

A fortiori is physical astronomy a branch of metaphysics, demanding, as it does, still larger "instalments of infinity," as the reviewer calls them, both as to time and number.

These were disbursed to me in instalments by Messer Antonio Maria da Legnano, a Bolognese.

Then came the question of furniture; a friend of Mr. Scott's gave me an introduction to a manufacturer, who agreed to let me have furniture for a bedroom and sitting-room, and to let me pay him by monthly instalments.

Such fame the love-affair of the Schumanns had gained that to the musical world it was like following a serial romance in instalments.

Foreign Fiction in Imported Instalments.

Foreign Fiction in Imported Instalments.

A far more atrocious insult to the British flag in 1826, when a brig from the Mauritius had been piratically seized at Berbera, (a port on the African coast, just outside the Straits of Bab-el-Mandeb,) and part of her crew murdered, had been expiated by the submission of the offenders, and the repayment of the value of the plunder by yearly instalments, (see WELLSTED'S Arabia, vol.

Station am Horizont. 7 instalments.

Instalments 1-13.

26 Instalments.

36 instalments.

Instalments 1-7. Illustrated by Pruett Carter.

Women come for their daughters; daughters for their mothers; some want assistance during an approaching confinement, others ask for a small loan, to be repaid by instalments, with which to tide over their difficulties.

Land-tax is payable in two instalments.

The minor divisions in the United States are thus constantly creating debts at the rate of about $2,000,000,000 each year and at the same time paying former debts in instalments, in a total amount somewhat less than this.

It was one of her eternal extravagances, but somehow, though she never understood the value of economy, my professorship brought in more than enough for us, and it was not long after this that I began to buy the bit of vineyard out of Porta Salara, by instalments from my savings.

A married lady who wishes it can keep two accounts at her dress-maker's:one is the account which her husband sees and pays; the other is the private account, which contains all the extravagant items, and which the wife pays secretly, by instalments, whenever she can.

According to our usual experience, these instalments are mostly squeezed out of the housekeeping money.

In your case, I suspect no instalments have been paid; proceedings have been threatened; Mrs. Yatman, knowing your altered circumstances, has felt herself driven into a corner; and she has paid her private account out of your cashbox.

315 examples of  instalments  in sentences