Do we say instance or instants

instance 9254 occurrences

It would he difficult to point out another instance in which the maintenance of a great cause depended solely upon the life of a single man.

After much discussion, William, influenced rather by an apprehension that so savage and sweeping an act might prove fatal to his new authority, than by any compunction or impulse of humanity, agreed to recall the general order, and to limit himself, in the first instance, to a single deed of butchery, by way of testing the temper of the nation.

The records of Indian warfare can hardly afford a parallel instance of atrocity: and this deed, coupled with his deliberate treachery in the Darien scheme, whereby Scotland was for a time absolutely ruined, is sufficient to account for the little estimation in which the name of the "great Whig deliverer" is still regarded in the valleys of the North.

With these convictions I feel compelled to adhere to the decision of my lamented predecessor, and can only regret that I have the misfortune in this instance to differ from those for whom, individually and collectively, I entertain the highest respect.

A parliamentary experience of nine years has never shown me so striking an instance of respectful homage and cordial sympathy as was then elicited.

Opposition from a direction making it savour of impertinence he stamped upon at once, without imagining the provocation or ideas from which it might possibly spring; he could not understand, for instance, that there might be two sides to the Chinese War.

endow""For instance, I had not a penny."

It is worthy of being carefully preserved in a public gallery, not only as an instance of successful study in a young artist (Morse was in his twenty-first year), but as possessing high artistic merit, and a force and richness which plainly show that, if his energies had not been diverted, he might have achieved a name in art equal to the greatest of his contemporaries....

Professor Morse says himself (and certainly he has not given in any single instance a statement which has been falsified) that, at the time he devised his system, he supposed himself to be the first person that ever put the words 'electric telegraph' together.

For instance, in a letter of April 20, 1848, he uses the words "your system of marking, lines and dots, which you have patented."

For instance, in a letter to his brother George, of January 22, 1838, he says: "We received the machine on Thursday morning, and in an hour we made the first trial, which did not succeed, nor did it with perfect success until Saturdayall which time Professor M. was rather unwell.

" I have already alluded to the claim of Dr. Jackson, and have shown that it was proved to be utterly without foundation, and have only introduced this reference to it as an instance of the attacks which were made upon Morse, attacks which compelled him to consume much valuable time, in the midst of his other labors, in order to repel them, which he always succeeded in doing.

Not only must the aspirant for undying fame in the field of invention, for instance, have discovered something new, which, when properly applied, will benefit mankind, but he must prove its practical value to a world constitutionally skeptical, and he must persevere through trials and discouragements of every kind, with a sublime faith in the ultimate success of his efforts, until the fight be won.

"The conventions at Baltimore happened most opportunely for the display of the powers of the Telegraph, especially as it was the means of correspondence, in one instance, between the Democratic Convention and the first candidate elect for the Vice-Presidency.

An instance or two will best illustrate this quality of the Telegraph.

Of a selfish nature and ungovernable temper, and seeking only in the pursuit of the grocer's daughter the gratification of his lawless desires, he was filled, in the first instance, with furious disappointment at being robbed of the prize, at the very moment he expected it to fall into his hands.

" "You are as clever as a conjurer," sobbed Patience; "but I wish you hadn't been right in this instance.

I have known an instance of it myself.

" "Not even in Mrs. Laudersdale's instance?" "Mrs. Laudersdale has a sweet tooth, then?"

One instance will suffice as an example of many.

" Cairns found it needful to issue a second pamphlet, Scottish Philosophy: a Vindication and Reply, in which, while tenaciously holding to what he had said in the last one, he challenged Ferrier to mention one single instance in which he had made a personal attack on him.

In Wyoming, for instance, by a Democratic legislature, the women were enfranchised.

I had frequently seen men with iron collars, but this was the first instance that I recollect to have seen a female thus degraded.

Speaking with a certain captain, of the state of the slaves at the south, the captain contended that their punishments were often very lenient; and, as an instance of their excellent clemency, mentioned, that in one instance, not wishing to whip a slave, they sent him to a blacksmith, and had an iron band fastened around him, with three long projections reaching above his head; and this he wore some time.

Speaking with a certain captain, of the state of the slaves at the south, the captain contended that their punishments were often very lenient; and, as an instance of their excellent clemency, mentioned, that in one instance, not wishing to whip a slave, they sent him to a blacksmith, and had an iron band fastened around him, with three long projections reaching above his head; and this he wore some time.

instants 66 occurrences

One moment that magical picture of superhuman loveliness, then darkness, I might say silence, for I do not think either of us so much as stirred for several instants.

In such instants he knows, perhaps, that there is little reward in being a dog, unless you cheat yourself by believing more than the facts warrant.

He had no memory of time, place, eventssave for the instants of rationality he forced his will to bring.

Undressing, a few hours earlier, she had lived again, in exquisite and delicious alarm, through the last minute of her talk with Mr. Cannon; she had gone to sleep while reconstituting those instants.

Then a brief flare lit up a lower window of the dark mass for a few instants.

And I closed the door, and came back to Mine Own, that we have those last instants alone together.

minutes 4 instants by Emma's watch.

Even a few instants after death the human body is incapable of any such reaction.

" Leslie saw the plain, kindly woman surrounded in a minute by half a dozen eager young welcomers and claimants, and a whole history came out in the unreserved exclamations of the few instants for which the train delayed.

For a time her spirit was disembarrassed of the sorry burden of egotism, and she drank deep from the cup of healing which Nature holds up in such instants of beatitude.

For a few instants I forced them to obey me; my pride was equal to the strain, though I felt sick and fainting.

The motion of F produces a mechanical motion of the spring of the vibrator, which latter acts for a few instants and produces a certain number of contacts that give rise to an equal number of sparks.

At instants, it might have been fancied that some unholy and licentious passion was getting the ascendancy; and then, as his eye ran rapidly over the chaste and matronly, though still attractive, countenance of the governess, no imagination was necessary to read the look of doubt, as well as respect, with which he gazed.

The roar of cannon was still constant, and nearly overwhelming, though there were instants when the deep ominous mutterings of the atmosphere were too distinctly audible to be mistaken.

Even the persons of the crew were merely seen at instants, labouring at the guns, through brief and varying openings.

Books of beauty and wisdom had come to his hand, it seemed, at the certain particular instants when he was ready.

Quelques instants plus tard, les conjurés, ayant à leur tête Pélopidas, pénétraient dans la salle du festin et le massacraient.

The last crest was reached and before him spread the splendid lake in its deep green setting, a glittering spectacle that he never failed to admire, and that he admired even now, when his life was in peril, and instants were precious.

In a few instants, the answer, another whistle, came back from a point a few hundred yards ahead, and Tayoga said quietly: "Red Coat, Black Rifle is waiting for us.

The notion of one objective and 'evenly flowing' time, cut into numbered instants, applies itself as a common measure to all the steps and phases, no matter how many, into which we cut the processes of nature.

The mathematical mind similarly organizes motion in its way, putting it into a logical definition: motion is now conceived as 'the occupancy of serially successive points of space at serially successive instants of time.'

cela n'ira pas jusque-; mais, pendant quelques instants seulement, il faut consentir à passer pour lui, à vous faire arrêter pour lui.... DE GRIGNON.

Je m'y promenai même quelques instants."

Il y a eu des instants je le soupçonnois aussi.

Vous en avez des instants de mauvaise humeur qui nuisent à votre santé.

Do we say   instance   or  instants