341 examples of instantaneous in sentences

That impression was instantaneous.

Never was victory more decisive; never was the liberation of an oppressed people more instantaneous and complete.

This is done at the speed of thought, which is instantaneous.

She raised her eyes to his for a momenta sort of photographic instantaneous shutter, exposing for the hundredth part of a second the sensitive plate of her heart.

It was all instantaneous for her gaze seemed to concentrate on Estada as though she knew him as leader.

So instantaneous was the act, amazed The assembly rose, and presently a troop Was ordered in pursuitbut night, dark night, Baffled their search, and checked their eager speed.

In an instantaneous pause he looked into the rose-pink room and saw Liane Delorme, in a negligee like a cobweb over a nightdress even more sheer, kneeling and clawing at her throat, round which a heavy silk handkerchief was slowly tightening; her face already purple with strangulation, her eyes bulging from their sockets, her tongue protruding between swollen lips.

Mrs. Hewel feared her outspokenness would offend Lady Mary, but she could perceive only pleasure and amusement in the face of her hostess, between whom and the worldly old woman there sprang up a friendliness that was almost instantaneous.

it said "Will you be good enough to put me through to Monsieur Lanyard?" The inspiration to mischief was instantaneous: Lanyard replied promptly in accents as much unlike his own as he could manage: "Sorry, ma'am; Mister Lanyard dined hout to-night.

It has been mentioned, that for many weeks previous to the direful calamity, the weather had been remarkably dry and warm, a circumstance which had prepared the old wooden houses, abounding in this part of the city, for almost instantaneous ignition.

My recovery was instantaneous, and I switched on the lights.

The effect upon the barkeeper was instantaneous.

If a strange planet should happen to come within hail, and one of its philosophers were to ask us, as it passed, to hand him the most remarkable material product of human skill, we should offer him, without a moment's hesitation, a stereoscope containing an instantaneous double-view of some great thoroughfare,one of Mr. Anthony's views of Broadway, (No. 203,) for instance.

Both he and Evans have taken fine views of the rapids, instantaneous, catching the spray as it leaped and the clouds overhead.

This is Mr. Anthony's miraculous instantaneous view in Broadway, (No. 203,) before referred to.

Take ten thousand instantaneous photographs of the great thoroughfare in a day; every one of them will be as still as the tableau in the "Enchanted Beauty."

Hardly more than three or four figures are to be made out; the rest were moving, and left no images in this slow, old-fashioned picture,how unlike the miraculous "instantaneous" Broadway of Mr. Anthony we were looking at a little while ago!

This perpetual intercommunication, joined to the power of instantaneous action, keeps us always alive with excitement.

It was an instantaneous impulse, a short-lived and passing alienation of mind; but what must Mr. Falkland think of that alienation?

Its supremacy was instantaneous and unchallenged, and it quickly coloured speech and literature; it could produce a Bunyan in the century of its birth.

There is no doubt but there was some radical disorder in his system; brain disease clouded his intellect in his old age, and his last years were death in life; right through his life he was a savagely irritable, sardonic, dark and violent man, impatient of the slightest contradiction or thwarting, and given to explosive and instantaneous rage.

The Welsh character is the echo of natural feeling, and acts from instantaneous motives.

Great gulfs opened and closed their jaws, swallowing up and again belching forth dwellings, churches, human beings, overtaken by instantaneous destruction.

"If applied but once gently with the palm of the hand, it will afford the sufferer delightful and instantaneous relief;" i.e., It at once removes the skin, and if rubbed in with vigour will flay a horse. PLATFORMULARS.

Instantaneous personal magnetism debunked.

341 examples of  instantaneous  in sentences