908 examples of instructive in sentences

It never fails to be interesting and instructive.

SIR WILLIAM JONES was not only the most eminent linguist, but in many respects one of the most remarkable men, of the last century; and LORD TEIGNMOUTH'S Memoir of him has been justly accounted one of the most interesting, instructive, and entertaining pieces of modern biography.

The main purpose of the FAMILY HISTORY OF ENGLAND has been to unite objects which in such undertakings are not always found to coincide; namely, to render the study of English History not merely instructive, but interesting and amusing.

They are taken from the works of those writers who have chiefly determined the style of our prose literature, and are not only in themselves instructive and entertaining, but are also of sufficient variety, and of ample length, to render the reader familiar with the beauties and the peculiarities of the various writers.

His conversation is said to have been as enchanting as it was instructive.

When closely looked at, it is one of the strangest manifestations of the spirit of modern navies that, though the issues of land warfare are rarely thought instructive, the peace methods of land forces are extensively and eagerly copied by the sea-service.

The late Vice-Admiral Colomb submitted it to a most instructive examination in the Journalofthe RoyalUnitedServiceInstitution for January 1892.

Being critical rather than instructive, it is not to be classed with the essay of Clerk of Eldin; but it is one of the most important contributions to the investigation of tactical questions ever published in the English tongue.

When we enter the domain of tactics strictly so-called, that is to say, when we discuss the proceedings of naval forceswhether single ships, squadrons, or fleetsin hostile contact with one another, we find the time of Trafalgar full of instructive episodes.

7, Scal.)the difference is indeed immense; but such extreme cases are but little instructive, and might in either direction be found recurring under the like conditions at the present day.

" The method of his accomplishment of this deed is instructive of the estimation in which individual life was then held.

If you look back on your own education, I am sure it will not be the full, vivid, instructive hours of truantry that you regret; you would rather cancel some lack-lustre periods between sleep and waking in the class.

Voltaire's scandalous work, La Pucelle, and Schiller's noble Jungfrau von Orleans make an instructive contrast.

And there is something singularly engaging, often instructive, in the simplicity with which he thus exposes the process as well as the result, the works as well as the dial of the clock.

The last is perhaps what we look for; it is perhaps the more instructive.

Vernon is a noble fellow, and makes, by the way, a noble and instructive contrast to Daniel Deronda; his conduct is the conduct of a man of honour; but we agree with him, against our consciences, when he remorsefully considers "its astonishing dryness."

And it is more pathetic and perhaps more instructive to consider the small dog in his conscientious and imperfect efforts to outdo Sir Philip Sidney.

From my youth up, no book ever fascinated me like one of travel and adventure in Indian lands, where danger attends every step; and, believing that the hair-breadth escapes of my young friends, Hal and Ned, in crossing with me, the great plains of the South-West, a few years since, will prove entertaining, as well as instructive, I have taken great pleasure in recounting them.

It was a very pleasant and instructive day; but nothing puts my honoured mistress out of my mind.

Accompanying these instructive modes of response and their emotions are suggestions of peculiarly interesting problems as well as of modes of attacking them.

The Cumberland road should be an instructive admonition of the consequences of acting without this right.

Here again it is instructive to compare the scene between Hedda and Thea, in the first act, with the scene between Nora and Mrs. Linden.

An instructive example of the failure to "make" a dramatically obligatory scene may be found in Agatha by Mrs. Humphry Ward and Mr. Louis Parker.

To a man who has lived most of his grown-up life out of England, it is both curious and instructive, and I wish for this advantage for my friend.

The unanimity with which the apprenticeship was given up is a most remarkable and instructive fact.

908 examples of  instructive  in sentences