15 examples of intensively in sentences

We arrive, then, at this scientific conclusion: In the society of the future, the necessity for penal justice will be reduced to the extent that social justice grows intensively and extensively.

A farmer can cultivate his land, to use a common expression, more intensively or less intensively; in other words, he can apply larger or smaller quantities of capital and labor (the proportion between which he can also vary) to the same amount of land.

A farmer can cultivate his land, to use a common expression, more intensively or less intensively; in other words, he can apply larger or smaller quantities of capital and labor (the proportion between which he can also vary) to the same amount of land.

And in cultivating those satisfactions intensively we make another discovery.

It is still intensively cultivated, the home of a large percentage of the people of this part of Peru.

Its rich silts, so well adapted for raising maize, habas beans, and quinoa, have always attracted farmers and are still intensively cultivated.

The Pithecus monkeys, which I studied intensively, yielded relatively abundant evidences of ideation, but with Thorndike I must agree that of "free ideas" there is scanty evidence; or rather, I should prefer to say, that although ideas seem to be in play frequently, they are rather concrete and definitely attached than "free."

The Po Valley was thickly settled, and its deep black soil intensively cultivated.

" Gresham thought intensively for a moment.

It was important to the success of their enterprise that his reputation should be intensively exploited among the rich and influential who figured as patrons of the Ravinia season.

The definite article used intensively, may relate to an adjective or adverb of the comparative or the superlative degree; as, "A land which was the mightiest.

But it may be said that while Ibañez does not go any farther than Galdós, for instance, he is yet more intensively agnostic.

Investment has advanced both intensively and extensively in a series of great waves.

A good deal of our farm land is undoubtedly too intensively used now in view of present and prospective commodity prices and wages.

Western civilization has produced a bourgeois human being intensively conscious of his capacities and anxious to try himself out in the rough-and-tumble of the market place and on the battlefield; to initiate, undertake, direct, administer.

15 examples of  intensively  in sentences