1051 examples of inter in sentences

Would Mr. Verty "inter?" Verty entered accordingly, followed by the stately Longears, who rubbed his nose against O'Brallaghan's stockings as he passed, afterwards shaking his head, as if they were not to his taste.

[Footnote 041: Agri pro Numero Cultorum ab universis per vicos occupantur, quos mox inter se secundum dignationem partiuntur.

Alumni Etonensis, Et Collegii Regalis apud Cantabrigienses olim Socii, Poetae, Literis elegantioribus adprime ornati, Et inter principes Poetarum, Qui in eodem genere floruerunt, Sedem eximiam tenentis.

Phr. misericordia Domini inter pontem et fontent

in confidence, in strict confidence, in strictest confidence; confidentially &c adj.; between ourselves, between you and me; between you and me and the bedpost; entre nous [Fr.], inter nos, under the seal of secrecy; a couvert [Fr.].

[King John]; the cannons aspit forth their iron indignation [King John]; the fire-eyed maid of smoky war [Henry IV]; silent leges inter arma [Lat.]

This is what Horace means when he recommends us to study carefully and inquire diligently what will best promote a tranquil lifenot to be always agitated by fruitless desires and fears and hopes for things, which, after all, are not worth very much: Inter cuncta leges et percontabere doctos Qua ratione queas traducere leniter aevum; Ne te semper inops agitet vexetque cupido, Ne pavor, et rerum mediocriter utilium spes.

[4870] "Et medios inter vultus supereminet omnes, Perque urbem aspiciunt venientem numinis instar.

[5079]in his fragment of pure impurities, I mean his Satyricon, tam dulcis sonus permulcebat aera, ut putares inter auras cantare Syrenum concordiam; she sang so sweetly that she charmed the air, and thou wouldst have thought thou hadst heard a concert of Sirens.

" The soul and all is moved; [5106]Jam pluribus osculis labra crepitabant, animarum quoque mixturam facientes, inter mutuos complexus animas anhelantes, [5107] "Haesimus calentes, Et transfudimus hinc et hinc labellis Errantes animas, valete curae.

Et inter ipsus pensa labuntur manus.

Laboravit hoc morbo virgo nobilis, cui inter caetera praescripsit medicus, ut laminam plumbeam multis foraminibus pertusam ad dies viginti portaret in dorso; ad exiccandum vero sperma jussit eam quam parcissime cibari, et manducare frequentur coriandrum praeparatum, et semen lactucae, et acetosae, et sic eam a morbo liberavit".

" And in the morn betime, as those Lacedaemonian lasses saluted Helena and Menelaus, singing at their windows, and wishing good success, do we at yours: "Salve O sponsa, salve felix, det vobis Latona Felicem sobolem, Venus dea det aequalem amorem Inter vos mutuo; Saturnus durabiles divitias, Dormite in pectora mutuo amorem inspirantes, Et desiderium!"

Inter alios honores Caesari decretos (as Sueton, cap.

Pleased from benevolence he may be; but interested he cannot be. 'Estne aliquid inter salvum et salutem; inter liberum et libertatem?

Pleased from benevolence he may be; but interested he cannot be. 'Estne aliquid inter salvum et salutem; inter liberum et libertatem?

Salus est pereuntis, vel saltem periditantis: redemptio, quasi pons divinus, inter servum et libertatem,amissam, ideoque optatam'.

When you formerly applied to me for leave to inter the remains of Lord Byron within this Abbey, I stated to you the principle on which, as Churchmen, we were compelled to decline the proposal.

But it does mean that all those Governments have to surrender almost as much of their sovereignty as the constituent sovereign States which make up the United States of America have surrendered to the Federal Government; if their unification is to be anything more than a formality, they will have to delegate a control of their inter-State relations to an extent for which few minds are prepared at present.

Many of our economic problems are presented by these transportation agencies, from the question of opening a new dirt road in a rural township to that of building an inter-oceanic canal, from the question whether to have free public roads or toll roads to that of regulating the railroad rates on the whole railroad system of the country. § 11.

I looks at her ebery mornin' wen she comes inter dis kitchen.

An' she jis' looked as ef her heart war mos' broke, an' den she went inter de house.

We'd better go home, and not all go one way, cause de patrollers might git us all inter trouble, an' we must try to slip home by hook or crook.

Instead ob makin' me stan' wid my hat in my han' while he went froo a whole rigamarole, he axed me to sit down, an' he tole me he 'spected de Yankees would want us to go inter de army, an' dey would put us in front

Tenderly and sadly bending over him, with tears in her dark, luminous eyes, she said, "Is there anything I can do for you?" "Yes," said Tom, with laboring breath; "let me hole yore han', an' sing 'Ober Jordan inter glory' an' 'We'll anchor bye and bye.'

1051 examples of  inter  in sentences