13 examples of interest rate in sentences

[cost of money] interest, interest rate, discount rate.

Someone who is action-oriented, who is used to seeing results right away, won't wait years for a company to develop or for interest rates to drop.

Instead, the setting up of a system of state credits for peasants held out the promise, in spite of rather reduced interest rates, of important revenue.

ALLEN, HARLAND H. Whither interest rates?

ALLEN, HARLAND H. Whither interest rates?

This movement of readjustment would not go on indefinitely, even if the same trend of prices continued; for in the strict theory of the case the adjustment would be complete when the interest rate had changed by just the amount of the annual change in the level of prices.

#Interest rates in a crisis.

The demand for short-time loans, therefore, in such times of stress, fluctuates rapidly, and exceedingly high interest rates prevail in these loan markets for a few days or a few weeks, rates which have only a remote relationship with the usual capitalization of most agents.

The rise in value may be foreseen as well by seller as by buyer, but the low capitalization reflects the high interest rate temporarily obtaining.

The effect of this is to raise somewhat the interest rate on long-time paper to accord with the new conditions. § 13.

8, on fluctuating price-levels and the interest rate.

Where the interest rate has been the highest it should raise the value of farm lands as it brings them within the circle of a lower-interest-rate economy.

495-497, on the relation between lower interest rates and productive processes.]

13 examples of  interest rate  in sentences