105 examples of interjects in sentences

a subaltern interjected into Gertie's ear.

"Barring accidents, let's say this day week; meanwhile, Neddy"he smiled as he interjected.

Thus Dickens again and again has Mr. Micawber express a commonplace idea in sounding terms which at length fail him, so that he must interject an "in short" and summarize his meaning in a phrase amusing through its homely contrast.

He prays to High Heaven every moment, kisses the cross, and his toothless old mouth interjects prayers to God and curses on man in the same breath.

" "For which," interjected Mr. Tutt, "he is entitled to everyone's respect.

"I did!" interjected the lawyer.

" "We will see," said the judge, "that no harm comes to you or to your cause from irrelevant matter interjected by counsel.

" "It's very kind of you all," said Mr. Jobson, feebly"very, but" "They've all been doing without things themselves to do it," interjected his wife.

[Med.], enema, glyster^, lavage, lavement^. V. insert; introduce, intromit; put into, run into; import; inject; interject &c 298; infuse, instill, inoculate, impregnate, imbue, imbrue. graft, ingraft^, bud, plant, implant; dovetail. obtrude; thrust in, stick in, ram in, stuff in, tuck in, press, in, drive in, pop in, whip in, drop in, put in; impact; empierce^ &c (make a hole) 260

If, after my death, my 'usband is going to marry a young woman withwith" "Stormy brown eyes," interjected Mr. Foss, softly.

'Which is simply perfect,' interjected Lady Kirkbank.

'I should think not, indeed,' interjected Lesbia.

interjected Lesbia.

'I can fancy two girls getting quite attached to each other, out of the season,' she said, 'but in May and June life is all a rush and a scramble' 'And one has no time to gather wayside flowers of friendship,' interjected Mr. Smithson.

Mrs. Rolliver interjected.

He had taken a liking to these repetitions of nouns and verbs, which he listened to with a dignified, condescending air, slowly unrolling his screw of snuff the while; he only interrupted to interject little playful remarks with a geniality just touched with a trace of ferocity, that bespoke his real nature as an unctuous, cringing bully.

Why not upon the other also?" "The train stopped?" interjected the detective.

" "But you should have known this at the time," interjected M. Floçon, fiercely.

So Philosophy has almost all the say in this matter, until Poetry interjects the fatal question, "I beg your pardon, Madam, but do you happen to be the Almighty, or are you playing Egeria to his Numa?

2.The word interjection comes to us from the Latin name interjectio, the root of which is the verb interjicio, to throw between, to interject.

And amid these rather grim morsels of experimental philosophy he would interject certain obiter dicta which came straight from the unspoiled goodness of a really kind heart.

Go on!" Mr. Fotheringay proceeded to tell of his misadventure with Winch, and Mr. Maydig, no longer overawed or scared, began to jerk his limbs about and interject astonishment.

And I'm afraid it's too late to" "Don't worry about me," I hastened to interject.

Daniel Lowry was a man of the highest reputation, of such character that he never had been guilty of an unkind or selfish act in his entire life, much less commit crime; which alone, taken by itself, was quite enough to interject and raise a reasonable doubtupon which they must acquit.

" "'Yis I be," interjected Sweeny.

105 examples of  interjects  in sentences