10 examples of interleave in sentences

Among various odds and ends, he came first upon one of those little tradesmen's account-books interleaved with bad blotting-paper in which the housewife writes her orders week by week.

1, The sensitive sole; 2, the sensitive frog[A](a) its median lacuna, (6) its lateral lacuna; 3. V-shaped depression accommodating the toe-stay; 4, the sensitive laminæ which interleave with the horny laminæ of the bar.]

Reaching and rounding the heels, the sensitive laminæ extend forward for a short distance, where they interleave with the horny laminæ of the bars.

Prick sustained at the hands of the smith may, of course, run in either of the following directions: (1) Directly into the position where the horny and sensitive laminæ interleave; (2) between the sensitive laminæ and the os pedis; (3) into the os pedis itself; (4) the nail may bend excessively immediately after entering the horn, and so pass either between the horny and sensitive sole; or (5) between the sensitive sole and the bone.

Is there then no other code of morals in the round world save that which the accident of birth has interleaved with your New England Bible?

Due to the difficulty of interleaving these lines without completely disrupting the flow of the poetry, they have been collected and placed in a single square-bracketed paragraph at the start of each poem, and separated by em-dashes.]

It is interleaved, and the blank pages are rather densely inscribed with notes in the handwriting of Dr. Thomas Percy, the poetical Bishop of Dromore.

[10] His explanations of such words were curt enough: 'Cat, a Creature well known'; 'Horse, a Beast well known'; 'Man, a Creature endued with Reason.' 'An interleaved copy of Bailey's dictionary in folio he made the repository of the several articles.'

I forward to you a Note, which, many years ago, I inserted in my interleaved Brand's Observations on Popular Antiquities, vol.

Sometimes he would read aloud a passage in the Bhagavadgita, of which he had a manuscript copy interleaved with annotations in his own delicate handwriting.

10 examples of  interleave  in sentences