273 examples of intermingled in sentences

On the other side of the table Mr. Medbourne was involved in a calculation of dollars and cents, with which was strangely intermingled a project for supplying the East Indies with ice, by harnessing a team of whales to the polar icebergs.

The varied colours of their plumage, combined and intermingled in marvellously minute patterns, are all of those subdued or dead tints agreeable to the taste of Japanese artists, and perhaps to no other.

The women and priests were intermingled with the soldiers upon the shore; and running about with flaming torches in their hands, and tossing their dishevelled hair, they struck greater terror into the astonished Romans by their howlings, cries, and execrations, than the real danger from the armed forces was able to inspire.

As that river-bed rose and became dry land, the two Floras crossed and intermingled.

All the time, intermingled with a streak of practical reasoning, I was questioning myself, what did it all mean?

Thereupon they approached each other, the barbarians making a great outcry intermingled with menacing incantations, but the Romans silently and in order until they came within a javelin's throw of the enemy.

Music was heard, from time to time, intermingled or relieved by those wild Alpine cries which characterize the songs of the mountaineers.

The chateau-looking edifice near the bottom of the square, and whose windows, according to a common Swiss and German usage, showed the intermingled stripes that denoted it to be public property, were also gay in colors, for the ensign of the Republic floated over its pointed roofs, and rich silks waved against the walls.

Christian monograms and symbols of the Trinity were often intermingled with the initials of the sovereign.

It is undoubtedly in the power of Congress so to regulate and guard it as to prevent the public money from being applied to the use or intermingled with the affairs of individuals.

" In Hood we have all varieties of wit and humor, both separate and intermingled.

The men and women were intermingled; the latter kept pace with the former, wielding their hoes with energy and effect.

The path winds along the verge of the hill, whilst on the left is a valley or little ravine, whose sides are clothed with thick dwarfish box, intermingled with the wild and trackless luxuriance of forest scenery.

They should be intermingled with the bookcases, and stands filled with them should be placed wherever practicable.

Without any hostile intention on either side, the two squadrons became intermingled.

There is room enough for us all, without interfering with each other; and if no unfriendly interference took place, each denomination would bear good will to the other, and wish, and pray for its success, considering it as upon the whole friendly to the great cause of true religion; but if all were intermingled, it is likely their private discords might throw a damp upon their spirits, and much retard their public usefulness.

Thus, affecting not to remark the falling-off of affection in his agent, he intermingled his discourse to the ambitious young man with regrets that the monarch had not rewarded his zeal by some appointment in the royal household which would give him a more definite position than that which he then held.

Our labors having thus far been so intermingled and our churches so intimately related and united together, we can see no sufficient reason for separation.

Intermingled with his love affairs is a tale of racial prejudice and intrigue which is told with restraint and skill.

He is slightly bent; his kinky hair is intermingled white and gray; and his broad mouth boasts only one visible tooth, a particularly large one in the extreme center of his lower gum.

So too in the matter of metrical form, the strict terza rima of the earlier examples came to be diversified with rime sdrucciole, and by being intermingled with verses with internal rime, with ottava rima, settenarî couplets, and lyrical measures.

And what the charm that at my Laura's kiss, Pours the diviner brightness to the cheek; Makes the heart bound more swiftly to its bliss, And bids the rushing blood the magnet seek Out from their bounds swell nerve, and pulse, and sense, The veins in tumult would their shores o'erflow; Body to body raptand charmèd thence, Soul drawn to soul with intermingled glow.

For there was gold; there were gems and bits of worthless dross intermingled; and there about it was drifting sand of infinite ages, darkness, flashes of light, color, mystery, wonder, beauty.

CHAPTER II THE DISCOVERY 1493 THE first island discovered on this voyage lies between 14° and 15° north latitude, near the middle of a chain of islands of different sizes, intermingled with rocks and reefs, which stretches from Trinidad, near the coast of Venezuela, in a north-by-westerly direction to Puerto Rico.

The undulating landscape, running up to a low ridge on the skyline four miles away, was spouting smoke in all directionssometimes black, sometimes green, and sometimes, where bursting shell and brick-dust intermingled, blood-red.

273 examples of  intermingled  in sentences